Study: Why daily consumption of olive oil is good for the heart and could reduce the risk of death from heart disease

A recent study shows that regular consumption of olive oil can be good for the heart. The results suggest that more than 7 grams or 1/2 tablespoon per day causes deathsprevent cardiovascular diseasescould. The study authors also found that mortality rates from cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and respiratory diseases were significantly reduced.

What makes olive oil good for the heart

This research found that changing your diet by replacing about 10 grams of margarine, butter, mayonnaise and milk fat per day with the same amount of olive oil is associated with an overall lower risk of death. Additionally, these findings support current dietary recommendations to increase the intake of olive oil and other unsaturated vegetable oils. To do this, the researchers analyzed 60,582 women and 31,801 men who were free of cardiovascular disease and cancer at the start of the study in 1990. One tablespoon was equal to 13.5 grams of olive oil. The research team calculated the consumption of other vegetable oils based on the brand of oil and type of fat provided by the study participants. The scientists found that olive oil consumption increased from 1.6 grams/day in 1990 to about 4 grams/day in 2010. In contrast, margarine consumption has declined from about 12 grams/day in 1990 to about 4 grams/day in 2010.

The subjects who consumed olive oil more often were also more physically active, had southern European or Mediterranean ancestry, smoked less often and consumed more fruit and vegetables. The risk of cardiovascular mortality fell by 19%, while the probability of neurodegeneration was almost 30% less. The research findings largely held up even after accounting for socioeconomic factors. This study and previous research have found that consuming olive oil may have health benefits. However, some questions remain regarding the specific protection that olive oil offers, such as in stroke or atrial fibrillation. The recommended daily dose to reduce mortality rates from heart disease also still needs to be clarified. Therefore, the authors planthis study, to seek possible answers through future research.