Cook rice and stay healthy: Could our health be endangered by incorrect cooking methods and arsenic?

Millions of people could be putting their own health at risk by cooking rice incorrectly, scientists believe. Adding more water to the pan or even letting the grain steep overnight is the best way to flush out traces of the toxic arsenic. The chemical contaminates the rice with industrial poisons and pesticides that can remain in the soil for decades. Experts have long debated what level of arsenic is safe as the EU sets new limits.

What are we doing wrong when we cook rice?

Experts have linked chronic exposure to the toxin to a number of health problems. These include developmental problems, heart disease,Diabetes and cancer. However, experiments suggest that the way we cook rice is key to reducing exposure to toxic but naturally occurring chemicals.

Rice is a staple in many of our favorite dishes. But scientists are raising concerns that the cooking method could pose a health risk. Even after we cook the grain the normal way, by simply simmering it in a pan until the water evaporates, researchers believe that traces of the toxic arsenic remain.

The way of cooking

However, there is no reason to panic yet. A number of experiments have shown that it is possible to reduce exposure to arsenic. So this could be done by simply changing the cooking method. Andy Meharg, professor of biological sciences at Queens University, Belfast, tested three ways of cooking rice for the BBC program “Trust Me, I'm a Doctor”. In this way, he wanted to determine whether arsenic levels would change with different cooking methods.

In the first method, he used a ratio of two parts water to one part rice. This allowed the water to evaporate as stated above. In the second case, he used five parts water to one part rice and rinsed off any excess water before serving. This test made it possible to almost halve the arsenic content.

Finally, the rice was soaked in water overnight before cooking the next day, resulting in an 80% reduction in the toxin. For the safest results, the rice should be soaked overnight and then rinsed until the water runs clear before draining and cooking in a pot with a ratio of five parts water to one part rice.

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