Nutrition experts claim that genes and hormones are involved in appetite, metabolism and body weight, and a so-called skinny diet can limit the amount of simple carbohydrates, sugar and fat in your diet. Restricting these foods is thought to help lower levels of hormones that control feelings of hunger and fullness. The diet plan also increases the amount of fiber and protein in meals. For this reason, filling up on low-calorie, high-volume foods can help you lose weight.
Lose weight with a skinny diet
Physician and obesity researcher Dr. Louis Arrone identifies insulin as a hormone that sends signals to cells throughout the body. This allows glucose from food to be absorbed and burned for energy.If your blood sugar levels rise, your insulin levels also rise. So the more food you eat, especially simple carbohydrates, the more insulin your body produces.
Eating fast-digesting carbohydrates like candy, bread, and refined flour causes insulin levels to rise. In “Secrets of Skinny Chicks,” author Karen Bridson states that your metabolism has slowed down. Additionally, your body has stored the excess sugar in your bloodstream as fat cells. The hormone leptin also controls fat cells. High leptin levels can accordingly lead to inflammation, heart disease and obesity.
Benefits of Lean Protein, Fiber, and Low-Calorie Foods
So the skinny diet contains everyoneMeal lean protein. The Reader's Digest Association says protein induces fullness faster and longer than carbohydrates and fats. Protein-rich meals also increase metabolism by allowing the hormone leptin to increase body temperature to burn more calories. For this reason, you can choose high-quality proteins such as eggs, chicken, turkey, legumes and beans.
Low-calorie foods are high in water and low in fat and sugar. Examples include fruits, vegetables, soups and salads. We can fill up with generous portions of such food while consuming fewer calories. Nourishing the body with these healthy foods also provides important vitamins and minerals. The skinny diet particularly recommends eating as many vegetables as possible. celery, zucchini,Cauliflower and broccoliFor example, they also satisfy hunger with only 30 calories per serving.
Choose the healthiest and most fiber-rich foods. Whole grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa and sweet potatoes are examples of fiber-rich complex carbohydrates. According to the Reader's Digest Association, foods rich in fiber improve metabolism and reduce appetite. Dr. Aronne discovered that fiber-rich complex carbohydrates increase the hormone adiponectin. It improves insulin sensitivity and prevents heart disease.
Quickly digested simple carbohydrates are quickly released into the bloodstream. Overconsumption of simple carbohydrates is stored as belly fat when the body cannot use it as energy. Avoid simple carbohydrates like refined flour and sugar. High-calorie foods are usually high in fat or sugar and low in water and fiber. Chocolate, sweets, cakes, sweets and fried foods are not allowed in the diet. Remove saturated and trans fats from your diet by limiting the amount of meat, dairy, and processed foods.