Crafting with acorns: 15 autumn craft ideas for children and adults

When people talk about crafting with natural materials, the first thing that comes to mind is beautiful, autumnal crafts. Regardless of the wind and weather, the children always want to get out of the door. If you would rather keep them busy at home on a rainy afternoon, you can try an exciting fall craft. Crafting with acorns, for example, is a great leisure activity for adults too, which you will see for yourself with the following craft ideas.

Make decorations, figures and much more with acorns

If you don't let the bad weather put you off and dare to take a walk through the park or forest even on gray and rainy days, you can collect acorns, chestnuts and beechnuts, which you then clean, dry and spread out on newspaper at home. If you want to make crafts with acorns, you usually don't need any additional, time-consuming preparation.

The small, initially green and then medium brown nut fruits of the oak tree, which are surrounded by small caps, can be used unprocessed and completely naturally in various craft projects. For example, you can simply pierce them and use them to create a garland or a charming decoration that creates an autumnal atmosphere. You can also color the acorns according to your taste and paint them brightly.

You can also make crafts with acorns for various occasions. What do you think of these cute mini pumpkins that are the usual this yearDecoration with decorative pumpkinscomplete or even replace? It's best to grab some beautiful, autumnal acrylic paints and paint the acorns with them. Just let the little huts sit and paint them too. If they fall off, you can glue them back in place with hot glue.

The loose acorn caps are also a valuable, natural craft material. You can also design these beautiful and valuable felt acorns together with your children. Let your little hands pluck the felt wool for the first time and dip it in soapy water. The small felt balls are then squeezed out and shaped. After they dry, all you have to do is glue the acorn caps. This craft adds a great splash of color and is a beautiful decoration that will accompany you into winter.

The cute and original felt acorns can be used in many ways for autumn table decorations and create great colorful accents on the table. So you can use the homemade acorns made of felt wool in attractive,autumnal napkin ringsincorporate. In combination with real autumn leaves or with ones made of felt, they simply look great.

Crafting with acorns for Christmas might be another exciting idea for you. If you would like to create attractive and unique ornaments for the Christmas tree and include your little loved ones, you can recreate these sweet and colorful Christmas tree ornaments with little time and material expenditure. Your child can make small balls out of plasticine or modeling clay and paint them with different colors.

Finally, small metal caps with eyelets are attached and hung with a thread. The colorful acorns made from modeling clay or craft clay can of course be decorated to your heart's content. They are suitable as a loving gift for a personal occasion or can be part of original gift packaging and give it an individual touch.

If you want to make crafts with acorns, you can also easily implement this creative DIY idea and make homemade, colorful magnets for your fridge or magnetic board. If standard magnets are too boring for you, you can create some from small wooden discs that are ready in less than 5 minutes. You just need to get small magnets and stick all the pieces together. The homemade acorn magnets are undoubtedly also an individual and great party gift.

The acorns are an ideal material if you want to conjure up a magically beautiful, autumnal table decoration. With a beautifully arranged basket or cake stand you can not only decorate the table in your living room, but also add beautiful touches of color on the balcony or in your garden in the cool season. Simply arrange small branches, autumn leaves in glowing colors, fruits and acorns in a suitable container and welcome the colorful autumn.

Candles decorated with acorns, leaves and other autumn materials are allowed to burn on the autumn table. The colorful pillar candles are an ideal, festive alternative to tea lights, creating a warm atmosphere and having a long burning time. To decorate them thematically, wrap them with tree bark and let the creative composition of natural treasures attract everyone's attention.

Make your own animals and other creatures, chestnuts and pine cones with children

Below we have put together some simple craft ideas with acorns for children that will encourage the creativity of young people and guarantee a lot of fun. The small acorns, especially the fresh, green ones, can be painted by children of kindergarten age themselves. With eyes, ears, hair and why not with chic accessories such as a bow tie or tie, the nuts look like real men. You wear hats anyway.

You can make crafts with matches not only cute little men, but also many animals and any characters. Drill or hole the acorns, separate the matches and use them to create necks, legs and arms, which you then insert into the holes provided. An acorn with a cap makes an excellent head. You can even make shoes out of the acorn shell.

If you want to get creative with pine cones, you could design such a figure. The cone can be used as the body and the acorn nut can be glued for the head. If you want to dress the tiny forest creatures you made yourself, the foliage is perfect for this. Attach small leaves to the tenon. If you want to make wings for the pretty creature, maple seeds floating in the air would be a suitable material.

Creative craft activities with chestnutsin autumn are also very popular. For example, you can make a cute giraffe using chestnuts and acorns. For the body, paint the chestnuts with the authentic pattern of his hair. You can use wooden skewers for the long neck. Attach an acorn as a head and give the cute animal a face with paint. For the little sheep, you or your child can stick small cotton balls on the chestnut.

An owl should not be missing in autumn. You can create them in no time using pine cones and two acorn hats. Get two googly eyes and glue them into the hats. Place the large owl eyes on the cone and glue two leaves on the side for the wings. You can cut the beak and feet out of felt or paper.