Handicrafts with sand and paste for large and small

Playing in the sand is a lot of fun for children, especially in crèche and kindergarten age. It promotes the fine motor skills of the hands and fingers, the creativity and also has a calming effect. The fine sand is usually positive with sea and vacation, which is why it also creates a good atmosphere in adults. In addition, sand is a good and inexpensive handicraft material. When tinkering with sand and paste, small works of art and beautiful decorative elements are created that simply serve as a perfect memorial.

What can you turn sand and paste?

When you spend your vacation on the beach, you often remembernice findsLike mussels, sand or other flotsam collected. Once you have taken all carefully collected treasures home, the question may come up what you do with it. Of course, there is always the option to put everything in a bowl and use it as a decoration or you are making something beautiful with your collection. We have put together a few ideas below.

Sand quickly becomes form stable if you stir it with a little paste. Depending on what should arise from this, a thick or thin consistency is required. To make beautiful shapes and figures, the mixture should look like a modeling mass. Picture frames, signs and boards can be decorated nicely if you spread them thinly with paste and sprinkle fine sand over it. With the corresponding technology you can use a picture with hand and footprint in theDesign sandAnd thus remember the nice vacation time. There are no limits to the imagination when tinkering with sand and paste.

Make sand clets yourself

The first experiences with the sand make almost all children on the playgrounds and in the sand boxes. They build sand shapes and sand castles. They also know the disappointment if their creatures are not constant enough and are quickly destroyed when the sand is dry. But that doesn't have to be and a small trick helps. A mixture of sand and paste can be made. Thus, every sand structure and shape keeps even after the sand is completely dry. The only disadvantage of the homemade modeling mass made of sand is that the children can only play under supervision. They often put everything in the mouth and this mass is not suitable for consumption.

For the self -production of the modeling mass, four cups of sand with two cups of cornstarch and four teaspoons of alum have to be mixed in a bucket or large saucepan. For this purpose, three cups are given hot water. The mixture should always be stirred as long as a homogeneous mass is created. To thicken this, it is brought to a boil over medium heat. As an alternative to alum, wine stone can be used, which is poisonous. Here again the recipe:

  • 4 bags Sand
  • 2 cups of cornstarch
  • 4 tl alum or optional wine stone (poisonous)
  • 3 cups of hot water

Many children find games really fun with sand and amusand. By the way and unconsciously, they train theirsmotor skills and their perceptionis promoted.If no sandpit is available or the weather does not allow to play outside, you should think about something for the interior. For this there is the so-called Kinetic-Sand or therapy sand. It looks like a wet natural sand, it is just as easy to shape and its ingredients are considered completely harmless. It consists of 98% natural quartz sand, is also bacterial -free and does not contain toxic binders. Even if it is accidentally consumed, it is no longer tragic. In addition, the sand clay is one of the therapy options for children and adults. The own production of this is also relatively easy.

DIYPlay sand for handprint pictures

  • 1 1/2 cup of sand (bird or quartz sand)
  • 1/3 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup of hot water
  • 1- 2 tablespoons of baby or cooking oil
  • Food coloring - on request

Depending on what you have for tinkering, one or the other variant is more suitable for the sand craft mass. The production of this is also extremely fun for many children and adults. Why not get the good memories from creative tinkering with sand and paste? A really great idea for small children is to make fun handprints from sand modeling mass every year after the summer vacation. So you can see exactly how big the hand turned out for a year. In the following, what inspiration with helpful tips are summarized.

Tinker heart chain

A heart chain is a symbol of love that connects two. If one is made self -made, this shows its affection. In addition, this is a nice gesture because you simply invest more time and love while tinkering. If you have brought a little sand from the romantic vacation with you, you can make a great heart chain. So the beautiful time spent together is better remembered.

Each beach is characterized by an exceptional sand color and sand consistency. So the sand in the Maldives is very bright and powdered, on the other hand, Tenerife is famous for the black lava sandy beaches. In the Canary Islands, on the other hand, the sand is black or Sahara yellow. Above all, it is a nice way to bring the positive memories of the vacation with you. This great handicraft project is also very inexpensive. To make a unique heart pendant yourself, you first have to mix the sand with a little paste. The sand-paste mixture is filled into a small heart shape and before it dries out completely, add a trailer connector. This serves as a connection between the chain and the trailer.

Tinker nice game biscuits

Small children may play with sand toys and design creative sand castles and playful figures. You can also have the same fun at home if indoor sand is made available to you. Everyone can make it themselves easily and inexpensively. Above you will find the recipe for the sand clay. Instead of sand forms, all kinds of baking tins or other things with an interesting form are used well.

Make sand shells yourself

A beautiful bowl can be made from sand that would perfectly complement the atmospheric summer decoration in the apartment. Not much is required for this. Sufficient sand and paste, a bowl for template, cling film and a little oil should actually be enough.

First the sand is sifted. You should only use the very fine sand for this. This is mixed with the paste and there is a viscous sand mixture. The bowl must first be wrapped with cling film and then pour the sand porridge over. So that the template loosens better from the sand, you should rub it in with some oil beforehand.

The sand mixture is applied to the bowl in three to four layers. Every single layer should be relatively dry before giving the next one. It is best to let the first layer dry for a day so that the shell finally becomes form stable.

Tinker signs and pictures with sand and paste

You can easily make creative signs and pictures with sand and paste. At first the fine sand should be sifted very well and placed in a flat container. Then you distribute the paste well on the surface, sprinkle the sand over it and then remove the excess sand. Finally, the sand should glue evenly so that a beautiful structure results.

Other maritime elements such as mussels or other flotsam can be attached to the surface covered with sand. In addition, this serves as a structural background on which a monogram or image can be applied.

Decorate candles

Candles always spread a cozy atmosphere. In no time at all, the simple, white candles get a maritime note and complement the summer decoration in the apartment creatively. To do this, you only have to apply a little paste to the respective candle and then roll it in the sand.