Birthday parties are always a nice opportunity to see friends and relatives again. Even though we now have the Internet and cell phones, personal birthday invitation cards are still popular. The larger the company, the more it makes sense to have the cards printed. If there are only a few guests, it can be a handmade card.
There is so much you can do in this area. For example, fold A4 paper or buy ready-made postcards. These can be designed wonderfully. With finger paints at children's birthday parties or wonderful paintings at conservative events. Creative people can let off steam as much as they want. The craft store has glitter, neon and gold pens, as well as many other accessories that embellish the cards. Tip: Scatter decorations into the envelope and surprise the guests with them. Then the party starts in the anteroom.
In addition to the well-known important data such as date, time and address, a small route planner should be included these days. Thanks to the internet, it's not hard to get one. Simply copy it from Google Maps or another map and stick a section of it directly onto the map. If you design the invitation on the computer, you can attach the card section even faster and easier. Not everyone has a navigation system and those guests who arrive by public transport especially benefit from it. If you don't print a map, you may have to expect some guests to call and ask how to get to the location. For those buildings that are easy to find, this is less of a problem. A picnic in the forest should definitely include directions.
It is also important to send invitations on time. But when should the card reach the guest? A question that cannot be answered so easily. For a large celebration, the celebration should be scheduled about six months in advance so that all guests can take their time and possibly book a room or flights. For a small company, the card one month in advance is sufficient. It always depends on who you would like to have there. If your best friend is a nurse, a spontaneous invitation is rather inappropriate. This applies to virtually all professional sectors that do not have a fixed roster, which is why it is necessary to send out invitations earlier. If there are 5 people, the appointment can still be rescheduled, not if there are 50 or 100 guests. That's why everything should be fixed here so that guests can really organize everything in peace. Then it works toowonderful with the party.