Make wooden decorations for Christmas

Small round wooden decorative discs can also be used to make beautiful Christmas tree pendants with children. These wooden discs have been available everywhere for a few years now and in a wide variety of sizes. These are small pieces of woodcan be used in a variety of ways!

You need a small drill to drill holes in the wooden disc and use them to create any pattern. A colored wool thread is then threaded through the holes to further emphasize the patterns.

Ramona from Frankfurt is mother of two-year-old Kaia. Her passions are Zumba, nature and gardening, which she lives out in her backyard paradise. She is constantly looking for mommy hacks and cooking tips to make everyday life more efficient. She is also enthusiastic about creative ideas for child development and current trends in fashion and nutrition. Ramona has been writing for Deavita since 2013, always thoroughly researched and often supported by expert interviews. She studied psychology in Freiburg.