Does dad have a sweet tooth? No matter whether you, as an adult, want to make him happy with something homemade or want to help your child with crafts - a sweet gift is of course ideal in this case. Since the sweets are already prepared and even packaged, such a gift can be conjured up particularly quickly and easily - perfect for a last-minute gift or if you simply don't have the time or nerves for complicated DIY projects. So get the necessary treats from the supermarket, roll up your sleeves and start with your chosen gift idea! We'll show you cool ideas on how to make a Father's Day gift with candy!
Make your own poster with sweets for Father's Day
This idea is really very popular as they toovery easy to make by childrencan be. You need specific snacks and candy brands when doing thisMake a Father's Day giftwith sweets, whose names you then use to write a message to the father. Of course, a bit of creativity is required here. There are different ways to put together such a poster. If the spelling differs slightly from what is actually meant and that of the brand name, that is not a problem at all, but rather makes things even funnier.
You can even use a sharpie to erase unnecessary letters or add missing ones. You have the freedom to design your poster the way you want. And the children are guaranteed to help actively and with joy. Here are a few text ideas with the candy brands in brackets:
- We love you all the way to [Mars] and all the way back [MilkyWay].
- We [children]...
- Have a break, have a [KitKat]. (Instead of “Take a break”)
- We would like to say [Merci] to you.
- You are as brave as a [Lion/Knight Sport]. Or: Even if we sometimes roar like a [lion],...
- Lots of [kisses].
- We'll give you a few [chocolate thalers].
- You are just [Wonderful].
- You're still hot today [Milk Cuts].
- We not only share our [Twix] with you, but also our mom.
- [Daim]ler
- Even though we can be really tiring sometimes, don't be a diva, just eat a [Snickers].
Milka chocolates with sayings such as “All the best” or “Little Thank You” are offered, which you can also integrate into your text on the poster.
The first two letters of “the longest chocolate in the world” are the best basis for making something quick, easy and yet creative. All you need is plenty of Duplo, paper, glue and a nice pen. Then simply stick the paper around the praline, covering the “plo” part so that only “You” can be seen. You can make this craft step easier by using white tape.
And before you make your Father's Day gift with sweets, think about all the things that describe the best dad in the world and write them next to the “you”:
- You rock.
- You are the best.
- You are always there for us.
- You believe in us.
- You are a role model.
- You are our hero.
- You are our king.
Make a gift out of candy – beer mug
Should the gift for Father's Day 2022 be particularly sophisticated? Then this fake beer is perfect for bothfor the beer loversamong fathers, as well as those who are not a fan of this drink. And do you know what you'll need when making this Father's Day candy craft? Just a nice glass jug, yellow or yellow-packaged candies and marshmallows. After that, all that matters is the correct arrangement:
Fill the mug about three-quarters full with the candies - this will represent the beer. Then fill it up to the top with mini marshmallows, allowing them to protrude a little over the edge - this is the beer foam. You can now tie a label with a greeting to the handle if you want. If you still need to carry the gift somewhere, you can wrap it with foil. This prevents the marshmallows from falling out of the pitcher without covering the gift itself.
Filled bottles – give away sweets instead of beer
If you want to make this cool Father's Day gift with sweets, all you need is a set of a cardboard bottle carrier, matching bottles with lids and various things to design the box: acrylic paints, stickers and other decorations.Tipp: Would you likeget creative with wood, you can also buy a wooden bottle carrier.
Start by painting the box. Once the paint has dried, apply a second coat. If it is still not opaque, repeat. In the meantime, while the paint is drying, you can fill the bottles with suitable sweets. When purchasing the glass bottles, make sure that the neck is sufficiently large. After all, the confectionery should not only fit in, but also come out easily. Close with the lids and, if necessary, decorate the carrier as desired. Then place the filled bottles and the original gift is ready and just waiting to be eaten. And the bottles can be conveniently reused later.