Decoration with candles – 15 ideas for a romantic atmosphere

There were times when candles were only used for lighting as no other sources of light were available at night. Nowadays that is no longer the case. They are intended to improve the mood in the room and create romance and coziness. For this reason, it is hard to imagine life without them and they are a decoration in almost every interior. We'll show you some great ideas for decorating with candles, with which you can create not only a romantic but also a modern ambience. Please note, however, that you should never leave them unattended.

Where do you want more romance than in the bedroom? To ensure that you are always well prepared, you can create a candle decoration so that you are always well prepared. Simply set up in several groups and combine different sizes.

Do you miss the flickering of the fire in the fireplace, but is it still too warm to light one? Then we have the perfect idea with which you can replace the fire. Put a few pieces up and you'll get that long-awaited fire in a slightly different way. This way, you definitely won't be lacking in comfort and romance.

You have probably seen this idea before because it is now widespread. You can easily design it yourself. All you need are candles, a plate made of any material, preferably metal or wood. Decorate the bottom of the plateeither with pebbles, as seen here, or you can make it more precious with semi-precious stones. Legumes, coffee beans and even moss are also popular for filling the plate.

You can create equally interesting arrangements with floating candles. Fill a pretty container and float one or more candles in it. In addition to this, you can also put other things in the container, such as flowers or petals or stones.

You can see really original candlesticks here. And the best thing is that you can easily replicate them too. For this purpose, you should only keep the empty wine bottles. You then fill these with spices, legumes or whatever else you can think of. You can also use colored glass. However, the content then becomes less visible.

A classic is the lantern as a container or stand. This can have a modern, rustic or vintage look, as is the case in this example. No matter what style you choose, you are guaranteed a very special atmosphere. And a certain degree of fire protection is also guaranteed thanks to the glazing.

Most candles only really come into their own with the right stand. This model is made of wood and has an abstract look that will expand your modern interior.

A little more romance can be beneficial not only in the bedroom, but also in the bathroom. Place the candles back in groups and on a plate or bowl to avoid wax stains on the tiles. Enjoy your next bath with a romantic atmosphere.

This variant is also an original idea for the bathroom. If the shape of your shower head allows it, you can also use it as a candle holder. Maybe you also have another, similar idea.

This modern and original version is made of metal and is hung on the wall. You can try to create such a candle decoration yourself. If this option seems too complicated for you, perhaps the following is right for you.

Instead of metal, you can also use wood as a material for the wall. All you need is two pieces of wooden boards that you attach to each other as shown. The support doesn't necessarily have to be specially shaped if you want to make it easier for yourself.

A hanging lamp of this type can be used wonderfully. Simply spread the candles on the top side. This gives you an additional light source or a replacement if the power goes out.

This elegant glass idea once again underlines the modern elegance of the glass dining table and leather chairs. Candles of such decorations do not always necessarily have to be lit and fit into every interior style.

You can easily copy this idea too. You will need wooden cubes that you hollow out slightly, as well as copper rings that you insert into the holes. Then attach the table candles to it and the decoration is ready.