Make up for an owl – Attractive ideas for owl make-up for carnival illustrated in pictures

Owls are all the rage at the moment and you can see them everywhere. You can buy them as decoration, they decorate textiles and can easily be made from different materials. It will certainly be very nice if cute small and large owls can also be seen at carnival. In a few days the children's hearts will beat faster and the adolescents will slip into great carnival costumes. If you have chosen the unique owl for your transformation this year, we have put together great ideas for you in pictures on how to make yourself up as an owl. Be inspired by this multi-faceted character and look like owls with big eyes at the colorful world.

Several ideas for face makeup “owl”

If you want to make yourself up as an owl for carnival or another themed party, you first have to consider whether you want to imitate the owl's typical look as faithfully as possible or forattractive face paintrather use the characteristic shape of the owl to conjure up a colorful, cute animal figure on the face. The choice of colors depends primarily on this decision if you make up yourself or your child as an owl.

You need to have face paints in brown, beige, yellow, orange and black on hand if you want to portray the unique bird as realistically as possible. Anyone who wears simple make-up for carnival and also with thatElegant carnival clothingIf you want to look like a snowy owl, you can make up your face to look like a snowy owl. In this case, you will need face paint in white and silver, as well as perhaps some glitter powder.

Regardless of which option you choose, try to recreate the characteristic features of the bird on your face so that you are happy with the end result and attract enthusiastic looks at the upcoming party. The large eyes with the black pupils, the facial veil with the many fluffy feathers, the sharp-edged beak and the ears sticking out to the side are good clues for a successful owl face for carnival.

If you would rather have your make-up as subtle as possible, you can just paint a few feathers on the outer corner of your eye, which will give your owl costume the finishing touch. A cute, colorful owl on the cheek also looks very simple. Or perhaps you would like a more intensive face painting, then draw the animal figure in as much detail as possible and on a large area. Let your imagination run wild and create your own color combination. Use the pictures in our picture gallery as make-up templates for carnival and create your fascinating and unique face painting!