Harry Potter costume: Discover the most magical carnival costumes for all Potter fans here!

For our carnival costumes, we are often inspired by our favorite films and series and we have endless great options to choose from. But today's article is for everyone who, like us, is still secretly waiting for an invitation to Hogwarts. It doesn’t matter whether we are 15 or 30 years old – once a Harry Potter fan, always a Harry Potter fan! The films are packed with magical elements and dynamic characters, making them ideal for a great and breathtaking costume. Whether as the adventurous sorcerer's apprentice himself, as Hermione or as a Quidditch player - to celebrate the eternal power of the wizarding world, we have put together some of the best ideas for a Harry Potter costume for you! Have fun reading and have a nice party!

Make your own Harry Potter costume

To transform into the boy who survived and ended up destroying the Dark Lord, the look itself doesn't require much. If you want to make a great Harry Potter costume yourself, you don't have to spend a lot of money - perfect for those who want to keep it simple but still like itstand out from the crowd. There are a few key elements, such as round glasses, a black cape, and the lightning bolt scar on the forehead, that do most of the work.

No matter whether it's a Harry Potter costume for adults or children - the wizard wears his glasses in all parts and they have become his unmistakable trademark. Add a matching Gryffindor scarf and wand and you're ready to go!

It's that easy to make a magic wand yourself

And what does absolutely every magician need? A magic wand, of course! Of course, you can buy it ready-made from the store, but why have a little more fun and make the wand yourself? You can design it according to your own wishes and the magic wand always looks really great.


  • Chopsticks
  • Hot glue gun
  • Acrylic paint in different tones
  • Brush and a small sponge


  • First, apply lots of hot glue to the chopsticks and let them dry completely.
  • To create a handle, add more hot glue to the top piece, creating a pattern of your choice.
  • Allow the hot glue to dry completely and paint the wand with a color of your choice.
  • Allow the color to dry thoroughly and then use the sponge to dab small highlights in gold or a metallic tone.

Make your own Hermione costume

Of course, his brave and clever girlfriend shouldn't be missing from Harry's side! Here's the good news - most of the things you need for a great Hermione Harry Potter costume you probably already have in your closet. For the cute nerd look, put on a white blouse, a pleated skirt and knee-high socks. Add a sweater over the blouse, sturdy boots and your Hermione carnival costume is ready! To complete the look and maintain the wild curly mane, braid several braids close together overnight.

The Gryffindor school uniform is always a great choice for a quick Harry Potter costume for adults. However, Hermione enchanted us with many cool and fun looks in all parts. Remember the scene in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” when she drank Polyjuice potion and partially turned into a cat? With a Harry Potter costume like this you are guaranteed to attract everyone's attention, we promise!

Quick Quidditch costume for all Potter fans

And of course, the Qudditch robe cannot be missing from our list of Harry Potter costume ideas! The young wizards wear the clothing on the field as they fly through the air on their broomsticks to score points for their team. You can find matching robes in almost every carnival store, but a red coat is also ideal for this. But be careful - don't forget the golden snitch!

Harry Potter costume with a difference: Dress up as Luna Lovegood

All Potter fans would agree with us - it's pretty difficult to find a friendlier character in the Harry Potter universe than Luna Lovegood. The strange sorceress is always at his side and enchants us with her immense generosity and her quirky personality. Luna Lovegood's outfits also immediately catch the eye and are ideal for a unique Harry costume with a difference. The rule “the more colorful and unusual, the better” applies to the cheerful look. So have fun and wear that colorful skirt that's been sitting deep in your closet for months. Similar to Harry, Luna's glasses have become their biggest trademark and you can now find a suitable model everywhere online.

Moaning Myrtle as a carnival costume

Okay, the moaning Myrtle isn't exactly the most popular character in the Harry Potter series, but she makes a really cool carnival costume. To get the ghost look, the white and super bubble makeup is an absolute must. Then braid your hair into two pigtails, wear round glasses and you've transformed into the popular ghost girl. Gray clothing and a toilet seat (optional, but highly recommended) do the rest and complete the outfit perfectly.

Harry Potter costume for adults: More great ideas at a glance

Celebrate the eternal power of the magical world with a great family costume

Embrace gothic glamor and dress up as Bellatrix Lestrange

Or how about dressing up as a student from another magic school?

Molly Weasley has worn some of the most bizarre outfits and is the perfect choice for a Harry Potter costume with a difference