The popular Pokemon anime was brought back to life in 2016 with the development of the game Pokemon Go. This game is currently very popular worldwide and is enjoyed by both children and adults. In this article we would like to give you a few ideas for Pokemon costumes for carnival or Halloween that can serve as inspiration for your next disguise.
Pokemon costume ideas – a baby Pikachu
The world's most famous character is the little yellow Pikachu, who can store and emit electricity. A Pikachu costume is suitable for both children and adults and is available in many different sizes. However, if you would like to make the carnival costume for your child or baby yourself, then you will need yellow trousers and a baby jacket with a hood, to which you should also sew ears and tail.
Pokemon are usually smaller than their trainers, so a carnival costume is perfect for babies and toddlers. There are nice ideas for matching carnival costumes for siblings, such as the Pokemon Pikachu for the smaller child and his trainer Ash for the older one.
Pikachu face makeup
If you don't have time to make a Pikachu carnival costume yourself, you can give the child appropriate make-up instead. To do this, you need suitable face paints for face painting and a template with the corresponding Pokemon.
Carnival costumefor the baby
Squirtle resembles a turtle, with a light blue-turquoise skin tone. The carnival costume is perfect for babies, especially at crawling age. The most important features are the brown carapace, the hood as a face and the spiral-shaped blue tail.
Feuer Pokemon
If your child would like to dress up as a fire figure, we recommend Charmander or one of its developed versions, Glutexo or Charizard. Since this carnival costume looks a little scarier, it is more suitable for Halloween. The orange color is of central importance, as is the flame on the tail.
thePokemon Gengar
Another suitable idea for Halloween is the Gengar Pokemon. It is a ghost with a scary face and red eyes that spreads fear and terror. For example, you can make a Gengar carnival costume yourself from dark purple fabric such as velvet.
There is a wide range of possible carnival costumes and babies always look lovely in them. In addition to costumes of actual Pokemon, the child can also dress up as a trainer. The main character of the anime is ten-year-old Ash Ketchum, who is the owner of Pikachu and is a good idea for carnival costume.
costume ideafor women
Not only children but also adults like to dress up as Pokemons. Here we have shown an exemplary Pikachu outfit for women. You need a yellow T-shirt, which should be painted with two brown stripes on the back. You can make the tail and ears out of cardboard or yellow foam and paint them in the appropriate places with brown paint. With red face paint you can make up the red cheeks that are symbolic of Pikachu.
Matching nail design
A good costume for women is perfectly complemented by a suitable nail design. Yellow fingernails with Pikachu's face look fun and combine beautifully with the Pikachu costume. Other options include painting the nails in white and red as Pokeballs or making them colorful with faces.
The trainer costume – most importantFeatures
For the perfect Pokemon trainer costume, you should pay attention to the most important features of the figure. As a top, Ash Ketchum wears a blue vest with yellow stripes on a white shirt. The red cap with a white front and black element is also a must for his outfit. Lastly, you'll need green fingerless gloves, a backpack, and the Pikachu Pokemon to create the complete look.
Ash Ketchum–Idea for women and men
The Ash Trainer carnival costume is not only suitable for men, but also for women. A possible addition to this are a few Pokeballs, which you can easily make yourself. All you need are some white or clear balls, white and red paint, electrical tape, and white paper.
The balls are painted first, with one half red and the other half white. Black electrical tape or gaffa tape is stuck in the middle between the two colors and a small circle is made out of white paper. Make multiple Pokeballs to be able to grab all Pokemons.
Instead of a carnival costume, you can also dress up as a Pokeball. This costume for women is relatively easy to make yourself as it requires simple clothing such as a white skirt and red top.
Dress up as Misty
Another carnival costume for trainers is the anime character Misty - a friend of Ash. This carnival costume is perfect for girls and women who prefer a female figure to dress up. Misty has red hair that she wears tied to the side in a ponytail.
Would you like to be Misty tooDress up for carnival or Halloween, then you can easily make the costume yourself. Misty wears a yellow top, denim shorts, red suspenders and Chucks. For the complete look, you'll need a few Pokeballs and a Togepi Pokemon plush toy.
Couple costumes are popular everywhere during carnival and Halloween and look really great. The theme offers different variants for costumes for couples. Whether it's Ash and Misty, Ash and Pikachu, or two Pokemon, the matching costume is sure to attract a lot of attention.
Disguise ideas for thewholeFamily
Matching costumes are perfect for the whole family. For example, parents can dress up as trainers and children can dress up as their favorite Pokemon. There are no limits to creativity when it comes to themes and there are numerous options for Halloween and carnival costumes.
Carnival costumesfor groups
If you are looking for great group costumes for carnival, then you have come to the right place. Regardless of whether it is a Pokemon or a Pokemon trainer, it is advisable to distribute the roles among each other beforehand so that there is no duplication.
DIY Pokemon costume made from simple materials
Some carnival costumes can be made from inexpensive materials and with little effort. For a Pikachu costume for children, for example, you can use a simple yellow pajamas or tracksuit, some cardboard, cotton wool, felt and a headband.
You should cut out a lightning bolt from the cardboard and cover it with cotton wool and felt to make the lightning-shaped tail. The ears can be made from the same materials and then attached to a headband with hot glue. A pair of yellow rubber boots and some red for the cheeks and the DIY Pikachu costume is ready.