Celebrate your big birthday: How to plan an unforgettable birthday party

For many, a milestone birthday is considered a big celebration that is celebrated together with friends and family. Whether you turn 30, 40, 50 or 60, such an event is always onegreat partyvalue. But how do you celebrate your big birthday? Here you will get lots of tips and ideas about planning and organizing an unforgettable celebration.

Find the right location

If you are planning a big birthday celebration, you have to start organizing it in good time. In contrast to normal birthdays, this occasion is often celebrated with several guests and therefore requires a location that is large enough. First, create an approximate guest list and look for restaurants that suit your needs. From May to October you can of course also celebrate the big birthday outdoors - in a garden there is more space and a few unforeseen guests usually do not pose a problem.

Invite birthday guests in good time

If the location has already been decided, then you have to invite the guests. A beautiful written invitation simply cannot be missed for a special birthday. You can design the invitation cards individually so that they fit the theme of the celebration. When it comes to design, there are no limits. In addition to an individual text, you can also insert a photo of the person celebrating their anniversary if you wish. This makes the invitation card look more personal.

Observe the applicable Corona regulations

If you are celebrating a milestone birthday during the Corona pandemic, you must observe the currently applicable rules and restrictions. So how many guests are allowed right now? For private celebrations, the 7-day incidence rate in the relevant district plays a crucial role. In most federal statessuch as Bavariaand Rhineland-Palatinate, if the incidence is stable, up to 50 people are allowed to celebrate indoors, with the permitted number of guests outdoors being 100. People who have already recovered and been fully vaccinated are not counted.

When are invitation cards sent?

You can send an invitation card both online and by post. The only important thing is that you do this early so that the guests have enough time to announce their acceptance or rejection. If there are people on the guest list who live in another city and need to plan a trip, then you must send the invitation cards at least four weeks before the celebration.

Choose a theme or motto for the celebration

If you want to organize a truly unforgettable birthday party, you should think about a suitable theme or theme. Theme parties are not only very popular with children, but also with adults. You can choose betweendifferent ideassuch as 80s party, Caribbean party, cocktail party and many others. If a theme is set, then ideally both the birthday cards and the decorations must be coordinated with it.

Organize the banquet table

In order for everything to run perfectly at the party, good organization is necessary. Just like at a wedding, a seating plan is a must for large birthday parties. This means that no guest has to look for the perfect place at the table. The birthday card can fulfill many different tasks, especially if the celebration takes place in a restaurant. Stationery such as table numbers for each table and individual place cards that indicate the seating arrangement are always well received. Menu cards on which the feast is presented in a visually appealing and clear manner are also very popular. If there are several tables, it is worth placing a large board with the seating plan at the entrance to the restaurant so that each guest can find their place more easily.

Say thank you after the celebration

After celebrating your anniversary with friends and family, you want to thank them for being there, as well as for the congratulations and gifts. As a thank you for the guests, you can either plan small gifts or, for example, create a suitable thank you card. This can be personalized, for example with a photo or your own text.