Pipe cleaner crafts for Halloween: 3 cute ideas for kids with easy instructions

Want to keep your kids busy with fun Halloween craft projects? Pipe cleaners offer a great way to let little ones' creativity run wild. They are affordable, come in a variety of colors, and best of all, you can create unique decorations with minimal effort. Help your kids get into the holiday spirit with these super easy onesCraft ideaswith pipe cleaners for Halloween that are suitable for all ages.

Crafting with pipe cleaners for Halloween: 3 cute craft ideas to imitate

When it comes to Halloween, spooky costumes, delicious snacks and crafts are an integral part of the celebration. But since it's almost impossible to hold a child's attention for long periods of time, consider quick and easy craft projects that they can create and make them feel confident. If you want to have fun with your little ones this Halloween, try these easy, spooky pipe cleaner craft ideas we share in this article.

Make your own pumpkin garland with pipe cleaners

What would Halloween be without pumpkins? Whether you need a decoration idea for school or your home, this cute pumpkin garland will suit any room and add a festive touch. Just follow the step-by-step instructions.

Necessary materials:

  • 5 orange pipe cleaners
  • 1 green pipe cleaner
  • 1 brown pipe cleaner
  • cord
  • Scissors

This is how it's made:

  • Put the orange pipe cleaners together and fold them in half.
  • Cross and secure them where you folded them.
  • When they are all connected in the middle, put them together in a bundle.
  • Take the end of a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the loose ends of the bundle.
  • Then cut off the tips.
  • Tie the green pipe cleaner just below the orange knot and wrap its ends around your fingers to create a spiral effect.
  • Then wrap the brown pipe cleaner between the orange and green ones to form a stem.
  • Gently pull the orange pipe cleaners outward to form a ball.
  • If youmade a few pumpkinsIf you have one, you can tie the string around each pumpkin to create a garland.

Spiders made from pipe cleaners and pine cones

If you love collecting pine cones with your kids but often find them just lying around at home, make these fun and adorable spiders for Halloween instead of throwing them away. And the best thing about this idea is that crafting with natural materials promotes your children's fine motor skills and creativity. You can find out more about the topicin this article.

All you need are a few simple materials:

  • Pine cones
  • black pipe cleaners (4 pieces per pine cone)
  • Glowing eyes (big and small)
  • Glue stick or hot glue

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Choose a few pine cones whose scales are fairly open so you can easily attach the pipe cleaners.
  • Take a pipe cleaner and fold it in half. Then fold each half one more time. You should have 4 folds in total.
  • Repeat the process with the remaining 3 pipe cleaners.
  • Take a pine cone and place the folded pipe cleaners on top, evenly spaced apart.
  • Gently press them to secure them between the scales. You can also use some hot glue for these so they don't fall off when the kids are playing with the spiders.
  • Each spider should have 8 legs or 4 pipe cleaners total.
  • Attach the goggle eyes to the flat side of the pine cone using the glue stick. To do this, use 2 large goggle eyes and 4 smaller ones above them.

Pipe cleaner crafts for Halloween: monsters made from wine corks

If you like drinking wine and have a few corks left over, this craft idea is for you. The corks can be easily transformed into any Halloween character and we'll show you the best of them.

What do you need:

  • white wine corks
  • Acrylic paint (white, black, green and orange)
  • flat brush
  • small round brush
  • black and white marker
  • colorful pipe cleaners
  • Goggle-eyed
  • Glue or hot glue gun

Make the Haloween monsters easily:

  • Paint one wine cork each in white, black, green and orange with the flat brush.
  • Use the white wine cork toto create a ghostby sticking two goggle eyes on it.
  • Use the marker to draw eyebrows and a black circle for the mouth.
  • Cut a white pipe cleaner in half and attach the two pieces to the sides of the wine cork with the glue to form the ghost's hands.
  • Bend the tips of the pipe cleaner to make them look like a fist.
  • Make a spider with the black cork.
  • Glue two goggle eyes directly over the center of the wine cork.
  • Using the white marker, draw the spider's mouth and two dots for the nose as shown in the picture.
  • Take three black pipe cleaners and cut them in half.
  • Glue 3 pieces on the left side of the cork and 3 pieces on the right side for the legs.
  • For a pumpkin you need the orange wine cork.
  • Just like with the spider, stick two goggle eyes directly over the center of the wine cork.
  • Using the black marker, draw the pumpkin's nose and mouth.
  • Cut a small piece of green pipe cleaner, fold it in half, and glue it to the top of the wine cork.
  • With the green wine cork you can easily make a Frankenstein's monster.
  • Glue two goggle eyes onto the cork.
  • Using the black marker, draw the hair, eyebrows, mouth and a small scar under one of the eyes.
  • Also draw a sleeping tooth with the black marker and fill it in with the white color.
  • Cut a green pipe cleaner into two pieces and attach them to either side of the cork with the glue to form the monster's hands.