It's almost that time again - on October 31st, hundreds of children will dress up as zombies, witches or vampires and cavort in the streets. Halloween originally comes from the USA, but in recent years it has also become an integral part of traditional festivals in Germany. At this festival, it's not just the little ones who can dress up - adults also want to have fun and wear scary costumes. In addition to the right disguise, make-up is also very important - it completes your outfit and gives you an individual touch. In this article you will find detailed instructions for clown make-up for women as well as many other great ideas and inspiration!
Just like all the candy, a scary clown is a must on Halloween. Since the Stephen King film adaptation of the book “It” was released in 2017, it has been one of the most popular costumes among young and old. Below we will explain to you the quickest and easiest way to do clown make-up for women.
For the spooky look you will need:
- Aqua make-up in the colors white, black and red
- Make-up-Pinsel
- Makeup sponge and water
Simple step-by-step instructions
- To ensure that your Halloween costume doesn't get dirty when applying make-up, we recommend that you place a towel over it and take your hair out of your face and pin it up.
- Wet the makeup sponge and squeeze it in a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
- Using the sponge, apply the white aqua make-up all over the face.
- To get a completely white face, the process is repeated 2 to 3 times - this is the only way to get a beautiful and even complexion.
- Make sure that the lips also become completely white.
- Then let it dry for 5 minutes.
- The eyes are of great importance for successful clown make-up for women.
- First, draw a vertical line from top to bottom with the black aqua paint and let it continue under the eye.
- Draw the line under the eye and continue to the side of the eye area. For this step, we recommend that you apply the paint very thickly.
- Repeat the process with the other eye. For a more glamorous look, you can also add some glitter if you wish.
- To prevent the color from smudging, you should wait until it is completely dry before opening the eye.
- For the mouth area, first apply small dots of make-up on the left and right - this way you ensure that both corners of the mouth are at the same height.
- Start in the middle of the mouth and draw a fine, slightly wavy line.
- Mark small cracks thinly and then follow up with a nice, thick line.
- Depending on your preference, you can either paint teeth on the inner surface of your mouth or apply the red aqua color directly with a fine brush.
- And now all that's left is the nose. You have two options here - either paint a small spot on it in the color you want or you can underline the wings of your nose with a fine, wavy line that gets wider from top to bottom.
- Finally, make round cheeks in a beautiful red rouge tone andYour Halloween make-up is ready!
Makeup for a scary Pennywise
Below we will show you the easiest way to do horror clown make-up for women!
For this you need:
- white aqua color
- rote Aquafarbe
- yellow contact lenses
- Lip-Liner in Rot
- Eyeliner pencil in black
Step by step instructions:
- First, insert the contact lenses.
- Prime the face and neck with the white aqua paint.
- Blacken the upper and lower eyelids with the eyeliner pencil and blend them with a fine make-up brush.
- Draw slightly curved eyebrows with a thin brush.
- Use the red lip liner to outline the mouth, the corner extension and the nose and then paint over it with the red aqua color.
- In order for the color to be nice and strong, it is best to apply it 2 to 3 times.