Ideas for colored contact lenses for Halloween with horror looks

After the success of vampire and werewolf films such as “Twilight”, “The Vampire Diaries” and all horror series, colored contact lenses are enjoying ever-increasing popularity and demand for Halloween. They have even become a must for the classic zombie and vampire costumes. Motif lenses with a horror effect are the easiest way to stand out at the Halloween party and provide plenty of conversation starters.

Colored contact lenses for Halloween are available with a wide variety of motifs and in extravagant colors that give the final touch to your horror costume concept and contribute to the persuasiveness of the chosen disguise. They can also easily be combined with a normal costume and transform it into a horror adventure.

Ideas for the next Halloween party

With fun lenses you canHalloween Outfitvery special effects can be achieved. The changed eyes can appear very eerie and creepy or mysterious and funny. Fun lenses with an intense design are suitable for both light and dark eyes.

With a scary effect

Until now, people who wear glasses and contact lenses have unfortunately had to do without such outfits, but now they can also experience the maximum spooky fun on Halloween - they are also available with strength that replace medical contact lenses. Regarding the health of your eyes, please consult your ophthalmologist about possible risks and side effects, as well as handling, care and tolerability.

You can find several motif lenses for Halloween onTrendland ;Horror-Shop

Scary looks for women

Amatch the hair color

Coordinate eye color and costume thematically

Look like a dead doll with glittering eyes

Masterful make-up and two different eye colors for each side of the face

Creepy Chinese witch with the appropriate makeup

Death is a popular motif for Halloween parties

Yellow fun lenses for the hatter

Manga & Anime Eyes

Red eyes with a demonic glow

Motivlinsen im Stil Hollywood

Hypnotic spiral eyes

Fun lenses with Batman motif

White fun lenses for a blank stare