When organizing a wedding celebration, the preparation of the celebration usually plays the main role in the bride and groom's thoughts. But every organizer knows that the beautiful memory cannot only be retained through photos. A lovingly designed wedding guest book with nice messages, advice and lots of humorous comments will later bring a lot of joy to the bride and groom. And there is usually no cost associated with creating it - with a little imagination, anyone can design their own album.
Our tip – to attract the attention of your friends, you can combine the arrangements on a small table near the entrance along with flowers and cookies. Also leave several pencils and white pieces of paper to take with you - then guests can use them during theCelebrate their congratulationswrite on it. Above you can see an idea using fingerprints.
Here's another cool idea: organize a photo session for the engagement and create an album from the photos - of course, with free space where guests can write their congratulations. Super simple but at the same time very cute idea. A nice memory that you will be proud to show your children later. Our tip – buy pencils in different colors – this will make the family album colorful!
This example was made from a photo album. Instead of photos, small envelopes with white pieces of paper were arranged inside so that guests could write their congratulations on them. These will be opened and read after 5 years. A very nice idea that can be implemented in no time!