Soon the time has come and the ABC shooters are on their way to school with their big school bags. The new phase of life when a child is admitted to school and the first day of a new school year is a very special event. This day is equally exciting and full of excitement for both school starters and their parents. Preparations for the official part of school enrollment are in full swing. And to make this day unforgettable for your darling, the second part of the school introduction, namely the school starting party, is just as important. In today's post we have put together lots of great back to school ideas for you that will turn this moment into a long-lasting, wonderful memory.
After the long-awaited school enrollment ceremony and the first lesson, we usually go back home, where this big and unique event is celebrated accordingly. Regardless of whether you are in tightCelebrate family circleor organize a big school starting party with lots of classmates, friends and relatives, the focus must of course be on the school child and the event.
Ideas for school ceremonies
So that all friends are there and have an unforgettable, fun and amusing time together, they canindividual invitation cardsnot missing. Write down the most important information on the card, from whom the invitation to the school enrollment party is sent and where and when the celebration will take place. Make them as colorful as possible and let your child decorate the envelopes or invitations to their heart's content.
Decoration for school enrollment
A beautiful and unusual decoration should not be missing at the school starting party. In our picture gallery you will find great ideas for inspiration, which you can of course modify depending on your wishes and budget. The table decoration for school enrollment deserves your special attention. The decoration should be colorful and thematically adapted to the beautiful occasion.
What would be more appropriate, for example, than colorful letters and numbers in a beautiful glass bell jar or bonbonniere? A small, decorative pair of shoes with a handmade sign that symbolizes the upcoming journey to school and wishes the school child a good start are lovely ideas for decorating the school day.
There are no limits to your imagination here. If you want to design the back-to-school decorations yourself, you can prepare them secretly from your loved ones and create a surprise party. If you want to involve your child in the preparation, you can be sure that this will certainly increase the excitement even more.
Below you will find some creative decoration ideas for the start of school that you can do in no time at all without spending a lot of time and materials. How do you like this simple but particularly original decoration of the drinking bottle? Such a simple arithmetic task is a great idea, especially for first graders, don't you think?
Remember that after active games and lots of emotions, especially the little guests will soon be hungry and need to recharge their batteries.Fingerfood, Snacksand various nibbles are therefore also part of the festival. With a little imagination you can also make the sweets a real highlight at the school starting party.
You can cover the cake with colorful sugar sprinkles or decorate it with various decorative figures or toppers with a school theme. A school bus, books, globe, pens, etc. are suitable motifs that will turn the simple cake into a real, sugar-sweet eye-catcher.
The cookies and cupcakes can also be decorated appropriately for the wonderful occasion with icing, food coloring and a little creativity. Empty lines and encouraging sayings are absolute hits. The presence of familiar people and their support in the first steps into the new phase of life is particularly important for first graders.
It is completely understandable if adolescents are a little afraid of the new and unknown. Such loving little gestures have a positive effect on children's attitudes, even if unconsciously.
You are welcome to involve the children in decorating by letting them decorate their dessert cups themselves. First of all, it's best to get paper cups, stickers with different school motifs, ice cream or pudding, as well as various toppers for the original dessert creations.
These include all kinds of sweets, sprinkles, coconut flakes, cocoa nibs, nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruit and whatever else children's hearts desire. With the themed stickers, school beginners can decorate the cups, garnish the dessert as they wish and now the time has come. Here comes the best part, it's time to eat and enjoy.
Ideas for starting school – gifts for starting school
Of course, personalized gifts for starting school should not be missing. The classic among school introduction gifts are the traditional school bags, which are filled with sweets or gifts. But if you would like to treat the school starters to another surprise, you will find some great ideas below. Whether you choose practical or unusual items as back-to-school gifts is entirely up to you.
Your child, as well as all his friends and classmates, will definitely be happy to receive small gifts. The gifts for those present can also be part of the table decoration. Placed next to the plates or arranged on the buffet table, they create the right atmosphere and will put a big smile on the faces of those starting school.
As you can probably guess, all kinds of school supplies are useful gifts for starting school. Ballpoint pens, wax crayons, glue, scissors, clips, paints, etc. tied together in small packages or arranged in a stylish box or basket make the back-to-school decorations even more colorful and fun. There always has to be fun, so you can combine the useful with the funny and create a great atmosphere with small decorative items or smiley faces.
Come up with something creative, be it the school day gifts themselves or their presentation, and make the school children happy.
Fun activities and games for starting school
With a little planning, the end of summer vacation and the start of the school year can be just as fun as the beginning of summer. Some fun activities and games will get the kids in a great party mood and exercise. Below you will find great back to school games that the children will enjoy.
Games for starting school – Back to school scavenger hunt
Regardless of whether the school starting party takes place indoors or in the garden, the well-known scavenger hunt game is an excellent idea for your child and their guests of honor. Send the children out in search of school supplies – pens, crayons, spiral notepads, or the like. Create clues that bring the adolescents closer and closer to the goal. At the beginning of the game, hand out paper bags where items can be picked up. Finally, let the new school students finish the sweet scavenger hunt at the dessert table.
Name the right snack
The great game “The Taste Test” is an absolute hit, and not just at family celebrations and birthday parties. The game provides children and parents with exciting and particularly fun moments. When it comes to choosing products, you can let your imagination run wild. But so that the game fits the theme of the festive occasion, you can offer the children snacks to guess, which mainly fill the compartments of the breakfast box. Cover the children's eyes with a blindfold and offer them cookies, nuts, bars, fruit and vegetable sticks, sandwiches, jam or peanut butter to taste. Whoever gives the correct answer or makes a rather strange guess will receive a symbolic prize.
Organize fashion show
Fashion-conscious children will simply love our next suggestion. What do you think about putting on a fashion show for the ABC shooters? Create an impromptu catwalk, turn off the lights and play music. Get a flashlight for everyone present so that you can illuminate whoever is walking down the catwalk.
School time capsule
We would like to present you another idea for a great activity that requires some planning. We're talking about the time capsule here. Have each child bring a shoebox or mason jar, as well as some of their favorite mementos from last summer. For example, these could be the glasses the child wore all summer, or maybe pictures from a nice vacation. A collection of shells or stones is also ideal for this. Have the teen write a note about what they did over the summer, what they will miss, and what they are looking forward to in the new school year.
A current picture of the child must also be included. The note must also contain personal information such as name, age and class. Provide pens, stickers, and other fun things the kids can use to decorate the shoeboxes or jars. Finally, seal them with instructions not to open them until next year. It will be an incredibly great experience for young and old to see after a year how much the children have grown and how they have changed.
Back to school photo shoot
And so that you have enough material for the next time capsule, you can organize a photo shoot for school enrollment. A garland, a chalkboard sign or various fun accessories, such as ruler suspenders, make the photos really fun and crazy.