Decorate Easter eggs with beads – instructions and 20 creative ideas

Traditionally, eggs are colored and painted in a variety of ways at Easter using different effective techniques. It's always nice when you experiment and bring something new to the tradition. Easter eggs decorated with pearls become real shimmering pieces of jewelry and can be used as highlights in the festive table decoration.

Of course you can't take the Easter eggs with you, which will be eaten laterPearls and glitterdecorate as it would be a complete waste. Why is it recommended to use the self-decorated eggs only as decoration. On the one hand, this decoration is really complex and secondly, glue is used to hold the beads in place, which is definitely not edible.

Choose size and material according to your individual wishes. Consider the egg options – would you hang up the decorative eggs or place them in a bowl underneath the hard-boiled ones?

Styrofoam eggs are usually the best choice. These are available in numerous sizes and can be put together wonderfully and are very easy to work with - simply skewer them onto a wooden skewer and decorate. It is important to note that paints and adhesives should be used exactly for this material or at least not based on acetone. Otherwise the Styrofoam will dissolve. You should also not use hot glue because the heat will melt the plastic.

Easter eggs can be wholedecorate with beadsand place as an accent on the festive table. White pieces represent classic elegance and are very popular. Alternatively, colored seed beads, metallic or glass beads can also be used. Our tip: choose just one type of decorative element in two colors or sizes to avoid a kitschy result.

You can find the half beads at craft supplies and craft stores. These are intended for gluing and decorating surfaces. The bottom side of each bead is flat and you can easily spread a drop of glue or double-sided tape on it.

Only use adhesives that dry quickly and do not stain the surface. Spray adhesive is also a good option if you are comfortable with it. Our tip: if you use a spray adhesive, cover the workplace and the nearby surface with protective film, as adhesive residue gets everywhere in the area when sprayed.

If you choose colored beads and seed beads, apply a thin layer of the corresponding color to the egg and then continue decorating. Our tip: choose a shade lighter or the exact same tone of the pearl you want to use. When coloring Styrofoam eggs, make sure that the colors are water or acrylic based.

The small decorative beads made of glass, available in numerous colors and nuances, can be combined wonderfully and you can use them to create real, harmonious color patterns yourself. Rocailles beads can be used in two ways to decorate Easter eggs - straight with the hole facing outwards and on the side as small pixels that form a whole.

You can easily insert the seed beads into a Styrofoam egg using pins. The head of the pins should not be smaller than the hole of the individual bead, but slightly larger to hold them in place.

Similarly, you can use glittering sequins and even combine them with glass beads. Place these close to each other or to describe ornaments. Our tip: don't forget to tint the Styrofoam egg in a suitable shade to avoid white gaps between the individual elements.

A Styrofoam egg can even be wallpapered and decorated in this white color. Make 5-8 millimeter deep carvings evenly along the length of the egg. Cut pieces of thin fabric into leaf shapes and insert them into the slits. You can additionally decorate the egg with pins and sequins and outline ornaments, as in the picture above.

Sequins, beads and seed beads may sound kitschy and tasteless, but when carefully selected they can be made very modern and interesting. Take sequins in one color, for example white. Then you should not have colored the Styrofoam egg beforehand. Place the white, slightly transparent sequins close together and secure with simple metal-headed pins.

As an alternative to the Styrofoam eggs, the real, empty egg remains. You can blow out the inside of the egg or vacuum it up with a large syringe. Firstly, you should make a hole in the eggshell with thick needle. To blow out the egg you have to drill a hole in the opposite side.

You should be very careful with the emptied eggs as they are very fragile and delicate. To strengthen the eggshell a little, you can stick one or some thin, transparent napkins on it using the napkin technique principle or alternatively apply transparent varnish. This makes the shell coated but still particularly breakable.

Be careful when pressing and fixing the beads on the blown out egg. Double-sided adhesive tape can also be used, but if you want to attach the beads in strips.

As an alternative to glass beads, these sugar beads are also suitable for decorating baked goods. These are smaller and will cover the eggshell really tightly. Apply thin layer of transparent glue to the egg and roll it in the sugar beads. If necessary, gently squeeze with your hands and remove the excess beads.

To create a really glamorous decorative object, take string of beads and wrap them around the egg. You can also use superglue to hold them in place. Drip transparent glue, which hardens quickly, onto some of the beads and add small flowers or bows for a magnificent appearance in a shabby chic style.

Ready-made, decorative elements with beads that can be attached straight to the eggshell come in the form of stickers. These can be attached equally well to the real eggshell as well as to Styrofoam. A contrasting base color would look good if the self-adhesive beads and glitter are placed as individual elements.

Relatively large beads can be shaped using wire and glue without the need for a base. Use the beads as a kind of building blocks and create a really glamorous egg made of shimmering beads.