Making Easter bunnies – ideas for a colorful and cheerful Easter decoration

We are already looking forward to the beautiful sunny spring days that we will spend together with our loved ones. After Christmas, Easter is the most popular craft time, the right time to be creative and surprise our friends and family with small gifts, homemade decorations and lots of goodies. A classic at Easter are of course the colorful and imaginatively designed Easter bunnies. They now have many faces: smiling on postcards to send, cast from chocolate, made from porcelain, metal, wood or plastic for decoration. Making Easter bunnies is a lot of fun! Here you will find great inspiration and suggestions. Prepare for a colorful and spring-like celebration!

Easter is a celebration for the whole family. If you ask your children what they can make for Easter, they will hear lots of new ideas. The Easter bunny is the big star these days - as a beautiful decoration to make yourself or as a sweet, easy-to-make Easter cookie. Children are clear about it: the Easter Bunny brings the colorful Easter eggs and hides them in the grass.

Make hand puppets in the shape of rabbits

While the Easter eggs are being colored, the Easter Bunny is preparing for his big appearance in all possible variations. On the Easter table and as decoration in the house, homemade decorations are always attractive eye-catchers. The chocolate Easter bunny should not be missing from the Easter basket for the spring festival. It is the main attraction for small children.

The Easter Bunny embodies fullness of life

Even simple things can be beautifully embellished for Easter. This pretty oneDecoration for the Easter tableis very quick to make yourself. You can use a stencil for the bunnies. Using a small dab of glue each, the bunny tails are glued to the Easter table runner.

Make decorations on Easter days

Blooming Easter bouquets and colorfully painted eggs make their grand appearance at Easter. Delicate flowers create a festive look. Cut out bunnies freehand from white paper. You can also use a stencil.

Crafts with children and wooden beads: bookmark rabbits

To make these little Easter bunnies, you actually didn't need much: a few wooden beads, yarn, a large needle and a felt-tip pen or marker. It is important to remember that two larger balls are needed for the rabbit's body and head. The small wooden beads are threaded for ears and paws.

Sew your own bunny Easter bag

At Easter, children are traditionally given small gifts. To present the little things you have prepared in an attractive way, you can make an imaginative Easter bag. This can be designed very creatively as an Easter bunny. It is better to use thin felt material or other textiles that do not fray.

Folded napkins in the shape of a rabbit

Make napkins for Easter

Do-it-yourself spring decoration ideas

Knit a bunny with long ears from wool

Bunny ears for children

Get into the party mood at Easter with the funny bunny ears. These can be cut out of stronger craft cardboard.

Easter cookies are a culinary highlight to snack on

Cookies for Easter brunch

Easter bunny as a garland

Cut out lots of bunnies from sturdy paper, which together make a beautiful garland for hanging.

Make egg warmers out of fabric

Knitted egg warmer

Easter eye-catcher