We don't know what it is with you, but after the long and dark winter we long for brightness and light. Spring is just around the corner and welcoming the most beautiful season, we would like to decorate our apartments accordingly. From playful accessories to Easter wreaths to magnificent bouquets of flowers - a colorful and pretty spring decoration is the ideal remedy for winter tiredness. And no - you don't have to spend a lot of money on that, because you can easily make your own spring decorations yourself. And that is exactly what today's article is about - below we have some of the best service technology ideas for spring that make your apartment shine in no time. What is the service technology and the most beautiful DIY instructions can be found with us!
How does the service technology work?
Napkins are a solid onePart of the table decorationbut can actually do much more. The service technology has been becoming increasingly popular among DIY enthusiasts in recent years and is an excellent way to bring old objects or furniture to life again without much effort. Whether small boxes, wooden tablets, flower pots or even for pretty Easter eggs - absolutely everything is possible and there are no limits to your creativity. But enough talk - learn below how exactly the service technology works.
Required materials
In order to realize our service technology ideas for spring, you usually need only a few materials and some skill. However, if you are happy to make your decorations yourself, you will certainly not have any problems with it.
- Napkins in different motifs and colors
- Craft scissors or knives
- Bristle brush and flat brush
- Special napkin adhesive or craft room (online or in the craft shop)
- Pin
- Clear lacquer
- Acrylic color as the background (optional)
- Object that you want to beautify
Service technology instructions
To visually upgrade old objects and make it a real eye-catcher, follow our service technology instructions.
- Prepare the object -In order to achieve the same result as possible, you should first make sure that the object is completely fat -free and clean. If the underground color is darker than the napkins, first primer the object with a white acrylic color-the service technology comes optimally with a light and smooth surface.
- Prepare the napkins -And now the fun starts! As you know, napkins consist of several layers of thin pulp. However, the motifs are only on the top layer and therefore we should solve them very carefully. Depending on whether you want to use the whole napkin or only appropriate motifs, cut them out with a handicraft scissors.
- Decorate objects with the service technology -Now comes the most important step for our service technology ideas for spring! Apply some napkin adhesive to the surface of the object and let it dry for about 5 minutes.
- Attach napkins -Now put the napkin motifs on the opposite very slowly and carefully and press smoothly with a flat brush. However, some sensitivity is required here, because once the napkins can hardly be moved. And now let the object dry completely - this usually takes between 40 and 60 minutes.
- Finally, paint the object with napkin glue and bristle brush, let it dry again and voilà - your homemade spring decorations with the servant technology is ready!
Service technology ideas for spring on wooden objects
Do you have a few old wooden boxes or a wooden tray that lying around in the basement? Under no circumstances throw them away, because with our service technology ideas for spring you can make a wonderful spring decoration out of it in no time! In particular, colorful and colorful flower motifs make our apartments and the garden shine and immediately create a good atmosphere.
However, there are a few important tips that you should consider for the service technology on wood. Here, too, you need a special napkin adhesive and so that no wrinkles form, you should first treat the object with sandpaper.
If the wood color is darker than the napkin motif, paint the item with a white acrylic color or use a light, waterproof color and a toppat. In order to upgrade objects made of wood with the service technology, simply follow the instructions described above.
Decorate Easter eggs with service technology
Decorate Easter eggsAnd painting is certainly one of the most entertaining jobs for the whole family. How about trying something new this year and decorating your Easter eggs with the service technology? Such a spring decoration gives your home a unique touch and it is one of the best serviette technology ideas for children and adults alike!
Required materials:
- Eyes-blown eggs or decorative eggs made of glass or plastic
- Napkin
- Paint brush
- Napkins in different motifs
Decorate Easter eggs with service technology:
- First, carefully separate the top layer of the napkins and cut out the motifs with scissors.
- Clean the eggs and apply napkins to it.
- Carefully stick the individual napkins and fix with another send the napkin glue.
- And Voilà - you can decorate Easter eggs with the service technology so easily and quickly.
Flower vases, bottles and Co. are an absolute must for the spring decorations. Instead of buying new vases, just remember our great service technology ideas for spring! Wine bottles can also be transformed into a real eye-catcher with the popular DIY trend and make a lot of visually.
In order to achieve the same result as possible, you should first clean the glass objects thoroughly and let them dry completely.
Here is a small but fine tip for all newcomers to DIY who want to make their spring decorations themselves-the fewer curvatures the objects have, the simple they can be decorated with the service technology.
Decorate candles with napkins
Candles enchant us with a wonderful fragrance and ensure a cozy, romantic ambience in our own four walls. We had a few white candles in the closet and have decorated them with the service technology and have to tell them - the result was really breathtaking! If you would also like to try, make sure that the napkin adhesive cannot be flammable. Here, too, the motifs come into their own in white candles.