Tinker Christmas tree decorations yourself

It would be very boring if you see the same ornaments on the Christmas tree every year. We offer you some ideas if you want to make Christmas tree decorations yourself this year. The material is felt, because it is a frequently used handicraft material, easy to find, inexpensive and has a number of positive properties.

Tinker Christmas tree decorations yourself - fir tree made of felt layers

Cut off star -shaped pieces made of green felt to make up for this idea. Then stack them together and stick or sew them. In the end, only a piece for the trunk, as well as a star and the tape for hanging.

Make the Christmas tree ball out of felt yourself

If the balls always break you quickly, you can consider them from fabric. These also look extremely original. You canUse feltAnd make such a ball yourself. Add glitter stones at will and use a chain instead of a band.

Sew fir trees out of fabric

You can make such pretty fir trees from different colors. Simply sew the individual parts together. If you don't trust yourself, you can also use glue again.

Colorful felt jewelry for the modern Christmas tree

The Christmas tree decoration does not always have to be chosen traditionally. You can also set pretty accents with other shapes and figures. This is especially true if you use colorful colors instead of the classic colors. Try it out! You can then use this jewelry for any other occasion.

Sweet snowmen made of felt

These happy snowmen are perfect for felt remains. Cut two pieces of white felt for the front and the back. With black embroidery thread you make knots for eyes and stitches for the mouth. Glue a piece of orange felt for the nose. Make a seam with a blue yarn on the edge. Leave a small gap for polyester filling. Also turn felt pieces and glue a pompom on top.

Baby owl tree trailer

Instead of the traditional red and green ornaments, you can make this sweet owl from blue and green felt. The little penguin is also protected against the cold outside on the Christmas tree.

Scandinavian-inspired felt supporter

The traditional folk art was inspiration for these beautiful white followers. The decorations are made with glitter gel.

Swedish Dala horse

With these sweet felt ornaments you can not only decorate the tree, but also other objects in the house.

Christmas star flower made of felt

Tinker felt cones

Adorable star with decorations

Decorate with mirrors

These craft ideas are also suitable for children

Layers made of felt pieces