Tile design by Kaza Concrete: 3D fine concrete wall tiles

This year at the 100% Design Show, manufacturer KAZA Concrete will continue the tradition of introducing the latest designs and innovations by introducing its new collection of modern fine concrete tiles “Concurrent Constellations”. The new tile design is characterized by geometry and ornamentation and celebrates the eternal harmony between naturally developed forms of life and the geometric forms of architecture. The four new designs offer a range of interesting finishes and patterns.

The tile models consist of several objects that are layered on several levels. This allows a comprehensive 3D image of creativity and exclusivity to be formed. To create the tile collection, KAZA Concrete collaborated with designers and artists from a wide variety of backgrounds and with remarkable conceptual and structural thinking. The new collection includes a total of 4 motifs (Burst, Ster, Quadrilic and Cruck), each motif being designed by a different designer and made from fiber concrete. The designers are:

Burstby Rough Front – a NYC-based design studio founded by Elijah Porter

Sterby Chaim Machlev – a tattoo artist from Berlin

Cruckby Levi Fignar – a long-time employee of the manufacturer

Quadrilicby Ilan Garibi – an origami artist from Tel Aviv

The new collection “Concurrent Constellations”

The tiles are made of fine concrete. This material is more resistant than conventional concrete and is less prone to cracking. It is still resistant to dirt and water. All wall tiles can be laid indoors and outdoors. The beautiful models with delicate ornaments are available in white and black, as well as with matt and glossy surfaces.

decorative wall design for the living area

ornamental 3D wall tiles “Cruck”

Fine concrete tiles

interessante 3D Form

STER in the bedroom


THREE Series