Plant balcony boxes in a modern way: Create your own oasis in a small outdoor area!

One of the best things to do in spring is planning and planting a container garden. While thinking about the ideal balcony planting ideas, one can consider the colors of the flowers and leaves as well as their structure, height and texture. Would you like to plant your balcony box in a modern way?

Foto: Anna Nahabed/ Shutterstock

Numerous plant species are able to transform your balcony into a small oasis. Every single element brings liveliness and diversity.

Planting balcony boxes in a modern way – ideas

Foto: Anna Nahabed/ Shutterstock

There are endless ways to beautify your outdoor space. If you have a small balcony, you can also create a vertical garden. You can also attach shelves to the walls for your boxes. Even the smallest balcony appears more open and inviting when the colors and textures of the plants match the furnishings.

What should you pay attention to?

Foto: Anna Nahabed/ Shutterstock
  • Although temperature and wind play an important role, the sun's rays on the balcony are most important. Strong winds can quickly dry out the soil, tear off flower petals and topple tall potted plants - all of which are common in raised gardens such as those on balconies and roof terraces.
  • The sun's rays reflected from the windows cana balcony gardenmake it much hotter, which can burn sensitive plants. How much heat your balcony stores depends on its structure and the materials used (for example wood or concrete).
  • In large cities, balconies are often shaded by tall buildings or have an overhang that blocks the sun. A common solution to this problem is to plant sun-loving plants on the edge of the balcony, where the sun shines more often.
  • Balcony screens can also serve as windbreaks to protect more delicate plants from gusts of wind that could otherwise damage them. Another option is to place wind-sensitive plants in low containers against a wall.

Charming balcony plants

Photo: Evalyna Sinambela/ Shutterstock

If you have a sunny window box, consider growing sweet potato vines, a climbing plant that never fails. This plant's rapid growth transforms any window box into a lush, flowing masterpiece. There are a number of varieties, but this golden plant goes with everything. Plant together:Sweet potatoes, snapdragons, browallie and pentas.

Provide flowers

Petunias are one of the most sun-loving flowers for window boxes. These hardy annual plants require little space and bloom all season long. A window box with soft pink double petunias, verbena in a deeper shade of purple and gray-blue sweet potato plant is a breathtaking sight. Combine these beautiful plants:Petunias, verbena, coleus, angel face and sweet potato.

Planting ideas for the balcony – exotic succulents

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Plants with fleshy leaves, likeSedum, houseleek and echeveria, thrive in full sun, require little water and are ideal for easy-care containers. To highlight the delicate, geometric patterns, consider growing plants in shallow boxes to create a carpet. You can create your own succulent garden because succulents are easy to propagate.

Create a small meadow on the balcony

For a gentle, organic look, mix in ornamental grasses. Modern planters made of galvanized steel are perfect for this. For plants that will maintain their appearance throughout the winter, go for smaller species likeMexican feather grass, medium quaking grass or pennisetum grasseschoose with fluffy tips. To create a height contrast and color accents, plant summer-flowering perennials such asSweet candle, penstemon or clove root.

Cool combination for your outdoor area

Photo: Jerry Gantar/Shutterstock

This is another balcony box idea that can decorate your outdoor space. Since pansies are cold-flowering plants, you can change the look of your window box with the seasons. Replace the pansies with heat-loving plants like angel face to extend the color display into summer. This combination attracts everyone's attention:Pansies, nasturtiums, lobelia and narrow-leaved dragon tree.

Vegetable garden on the balcony

Growing food in planters can be just as aesthetic as a bouquet of flowers. Edible flowers are a great addition toLeafy greensHowsalads and herbsand work wonders in pots. Combine the red veined oneblood dockwith other edible flowers and lettuce leaves such asBlack cumin, nasturtium and marigoldsfor a beautiful and nutritious salad.PlantsimplyPeasin the middle to give it some height and dinner will be served in no time.

Balcony plants for shade

A dark space doesn't have to mean you can't have lush, lacy structures. Using different shades of green can make darker areas much lighter. Assemble a miniature fern byDwarf tree fern, deer's tongue fern and rib ferncombine. For the edge of the pot, sprinkle taller plants likeColumbine-leaved meadow rue, foxglove and soft lady's mantle, hostas or purple bellsand compare their leaves.

Cottage balcony idea

Foto: Yui Yuize/ Shutterstock

It may seem that an all-white wall needs a pop of color to liven it up, but decorating in soft, muted tones can be just as striking. For a cottage balcony are pink flowersa good choice:Petunias, verbena, snapdragons and sage.

Also interesting:Decorate your balcony in spring: Enjoy the warm weather outside with these creative ideas