Fragrant flowers for your garden

The beautiful scent is undoubtedly an additional key aspect of a garden. Enchanting scents can really transform a place, turning it into a little oasis where you like to linger, indulge your senses and not want to rush out the front door or garden gate. Today we would like to give you some very useful tips on how to take proper care of yourFlowers with scentcan enjoy. To really create a dream outdoor space, you can plant flowers that bloom in different seasons. This will transform your garden into a fragrant paradise all year round. Plant heat-loving shrubs and flowers with scent likeLavenderFor example, against north-facing walls and surrounding them with pebbles, you can retain their scent longer. And place the night-scented plants near your outdoor living space or window so you can enjoy their scent while relaxing in the evening.

Flowers with scent – ​​wisteria (Wisteria)

The spectacular fragrant flowers of wisteria appear on the bare vines in spring, followed shortly afterwards by the leaves. This is a nice smelling oneclimbing plant, which is why it is particularly suitable for planting along pergolas and fences. Wisteria, as a scented flower, can also be cared for as a shrub and trimmed regularly. Wisteria can tolerate frost, but the plant prefers a sunny location.

Flowers with scent – ​​wax flowers or also called temple tree (plumeria)

How exactly do you imagine paradise? Maybe like a sunlit, golden beach in Fiji? Wonderful! You can come very close to this idea with fragrant wax flowers as scented flowers in your garden. The exquisite scent of this tropical shrub will reward you wonderfully in summer, making you forget its lack of leaves in winter. You need a warm, sunny place for the wax flowers; Pots are best for those who live in colder areas. This allows the plants to be brought indoors to overwinter before the first cold weather hits.

The Daphne flower (Daphne) with fragrance

The winter-blooming daphne has a distinctive old-fashioned scent. Partial shade is best for these shrubs, with good drainage. Daphne requires cool and slightly acidic soil. The flowers can be colored very differently from white to pinkish red and purple.

Citrus trees with fragrant flowers

Citrus plants smell so sweet in the garden, plus you have a bonus of delicious fruits. The citrus plants need a lot of moisture and soil nutrition, especially from spring to autumn. Most of these fragrant flowers are susceptible to frost, so plant them in pots in cooler regions. The main flowering time is in summer, but some varieties bloom and bear fruit almost all year round.

Flowers with scent – ​​the star jasmine

The hardy, low-growing climbing plant star jasmine has a wonderful scent. The star jasmine has glossy dark green leaves and will cover your garden with wonderfully fragrant white flowers from spring to late summer. Star jasmine tolerates light to medium frost.

Gardenias (Gardenia) as flowers with fragrance

This flower bush has its divine scent that will enchant you for a long time. Gardenias, as fragrant flowers, prefer fertile, acidic soil, plenty of moisture and partial shade. Plenty of compost or other organic matter in the soil is also important. But also think about frost protection in winter.

Lilac – A classic scented flower

The sweet, old-fashioned scent of lilacs is rarely found in modern gardens, especially in warmer areas. But lilac trees can still be found in traditional gardens in cooler regions. These frost-hardy trees can vary in their scent, but you can enjoy the most beautiful scents when the plant is in bloom. Fragrant flowers, lilacs prefer moist soil and will bloom even after a hard frost.

Fragrant spring flowers

The first spring bulb flowers such as freesias, daffodils and hyacinths have a sweet, fresh scent, reminding us that spring is coming soon, even though the trees are still bare. Freesias grow best in warmer regions, while daffodils and hyacinths are frost tolerant. In small gardens, these fragrant flowers grow best in pots so they can be moved out of sight when the foliage dies back. This is an essential process to ensure good flowering next season.

Roses are fragrant flowers

The scent of a rose is pure joy for the senses. However, not all rose varieties grow well in warmer areas, and many modern hybrids lack fragrance, so choose the right rose variety for your garden really carefully. The Old English Rose or David Austin roses are usually flowers with a scent that is delightful, just as the old-fashioned Damask roses do.

Flowers with scent – ​​lilies

Of the many, many fragrant lilies that you can grow in your garden, the hybrids will pamper you with the most beautiful scents. Some of the newer hybrids are less fragrant but easier to grow and care for in the garden. They need well-drained soil and plenty of moisture. Lilies do best in cool shade so that the roots are not heated by the sun. Plant them in pots if your garden doesn't suit their needs.