Preparing a banana plant for the winter: step-by-step instructions for proper care over the winter

Bananas grow well as an ornamental plant. The plant does not tolerate frost, its leaves are damaged at temperatures below 0°C and the stems at -7°C. The underground part of the banana, the rhizome, survives underground even at air temperatures of -20 ° C if properly cared for. We give helpful tips on how to winterize a banana plant.

The exotics are popular in many gardens. After winter, the plants recover extremely quickly. In summer they can easily reach a height of 5 meters. The right oneCare for winteringof banana plants is crucial so that the exotic species can continue to develop well. Overwintering is done so that frost at low temperatures does not kill the roots. We recommend that you prepare your bananas as follows before winter and when temperatures are below 5 degrees.

Winterizing the banana plant

Foto: kazden-cattapan / unsplash

When overwintering your banana plant, the most important thing is to keep the roots warm. It's not too difficult to overwinter your banana outdoors. They typically require insulation and mulch. We will show you step by step how to care for the plant so that you can create the right winter protection for banana plants.

Remove leaves and shorten trunk

First, remove all leaves up to the trunk. Don't worry, the plant will sprout again very quickly in spring. Cut the trunk about 60cm above the ground. Use an ordinary kitchen knife. The stem is relatively soft. Do not wait for the frosts, prepare the banana in late autumn.

Winterize the banana plant with mulch

If you overwinter your banana plant outside, the soil needs to be filled with leaves or mulch to a height of 10 to 15 cm around the trunk. To do this, you can cover the ground with a plastic bag that holds the leaves or mulch around the banana trunk and this will keep the roots dry. Secure the plastic sheeting with rocks at the corners or another layer of mulch. This will protect the plant's roots from frost and keep the soil temperature even in winter. It is crucial to keep the roots warm during the cold season.

Wrap the trunk with insulation material

Quelle: shutterstock

Wrap the entire stem in two layers with air-permeable foil. Depending on the width of the roll and the height of the stem, you will need about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. Place a food storage bag on top to prevent moisture from getting inside the banana.

Larger banana trunks can be wrapped with water pipe insulation. Be sure to fold the top over to ensure that water does not penetrate the insulation.

If you have a group ofHave banana plants in the garden, you can insulate them all at once instead of wrapping each log individually. Do this:

  • Surround the group of stems with Styrofoam sheets and secure them tightly to prevent water from seeping in.
  • Fill the space between the stems with straw or leaves.
  • Cover the top of the insulation tightly to prevent water from entering.

Do you have to water the banana plant in winter?

Photo: georgia-de-lotz / unsplash

Water near the banana rootscan in wintercause problems as it freezes and damages the roots of the plant. Do not water the banana in winter. The moisture in the soil is enough to keep the plant from drying out so it can continue growing in the spring.

What care is needed after the cold season

Photo: gallery_arief / envato

Once the frosts have passed, the banana should grow again under normal conditions. Remove all insulation and free the stems. Replace the layer of mulch around the trunk. Make sure the plant receives sun and warmth. Begin watering gradually without overwatering, as too much water can cause the roots to rot.
You will see your banana begin to grow quickly and develop fresh, green foliage.

Start fertilizing in spring. The best way to feed your banana plant is to feed itwith organic fertilizerso that it can thrive. Banana trees need regular fertilization to stay healthy and productive. How to Fertilize a Banana Plant Naturally? You should spread compost or old manure around the base of the perennial in late winter or early spring. Mix 1-2 centimeters of compost into the soil and water well.

If you save your old coffee grounds, you can use them as fertilizer for banana plants because they are an excellent source of slow-release nitrogen. Sprinkle the used coffee grounds around your plants every two months before rain or before watering and your banana plants will be happy! Overwintering the banana plant can be so easy!

Also read:How to overwinter an orange tree: Follow these care tips!