The freesia (Freesiа x hybrida) is a beguiling flower from South Africa with its scent and colors. The onion flower comes from the iris family and is perennial. It grows up to 50 cm high and blooms gracefully and elegantly from July to September in the colors white, yellow, orange, red, violet and multicolored. As soon as its beautiful flowers open, it exudes a desirable scent similar to that of lilac with a lemony note. If you want to plant freesias, read the tips we have put together for you.
Planting freesias: When and how deep to plant bulbs in the pot?
You can buy freesia flower bulbs in the online store or in plant shops. When you buy the bulbs, choose the largest ones possible, this promises more flowers. Once you purchase the bulbs, you should plant them on the same day or as soon as possible. Freesias arewinter flowering plants, the period from August to the end of October is well suited for planting indoors for flowers from January to April. You should use flower pots that have a circumference of 20 cm and have drainage holes.
Caring for freesias in the pot: Mix the potting soil
Experts recommend the following optimal composition of potting soil for freesias:
- Potting soil 40 percent
- Vermicompost 30 percent
- Cattle dung 20 percent
- Bone meal 10 percent
If this seems too complicated for you or you are unsure, you can also get commercially available ready-made potting soil that is suitable for freesias. Remember that the plant is in for each new flowering seasonrepotted with fresh soilmust be.
Planting freesias: how deep to plant the flower bulb?
Mix the soil well and fill about 70 percent of the pot with the soil mixture. Form a 1 inch deep hole and placea flower bulbwith the thicker end facing down. Then fill the remaining 30 percent soil loosely on top. After you have done this, water the plant with water and place it in a shady place. The bulbs start to grow after around 15 days and after around 30 days they should be around 10 to 20 cm tall. However, be patient because sometimes it can take a little longer.
Cultivating freesias as house and balcony plants: care tips
If you keep the freesias indoors, you can care for them as follows:
- After planting them, water them generously and then water every three days. Check the soil before watering and make sure you keep the soil moist for this plant.
- Do not place the plant in direct sunlight.
- The freesia loves a room temperature of around 15-20 degrees Celsius.
- You can take the plant about every monthsome liquid fertilizerfertilize. During the flowering period it should be fertilized about every two weeks. When it comes to fertilizing, choose the morning and add it from the side.
- Since the leaves grow quite high and can fall to the side, it is recommended to use a bamboo stick to hold them in place and give them some support.
- You can keep the freesias indoors to overwinter. Please note, however, that the plants require new soil for each flowering season, so they must be repotted.
Pre-grown freesias in the garden
Since freesias grow outdoors in zones 9 to 10, they need a little more warmth in our area. This means that we can best plant them outside in spring, after the last frost. Freesias typically bloom 10 to 12 weeks after planting and have a bloom period that extends to about six weeks or longer. If you plant them outside in the garden, choose a sunny location with rich soil that should not be allowed to dry out too much, but should not be kept too moist either. For a successful effect, plant the bulbs outside in groups of at least 6 bulbs at a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm and 5 to 7.5 cm apart from each other.
Planting freesias: caring for the fragrant flowers
During the summer season, it is advisable to always keep an eye on the elegant flowers, more precisely on the condition of the soil. It shouldn't be too dry, but not too moist either, because then the sensitive tubers can rot. Water the plants during particularly dry and hot periods of weather. You can safely remove withered flowers because you will then be rewarded with new flowers during the flowering period.
Get ready for wintering
Since freesias are perennial but not hardy plants, you need to overwinter them indoors. To do this, dig up the tubers in the fall before the first frost and store them indoors in an air-permeable box in a cool, dark place where they can rest for at least 4 months. You can then replant them in spring. Please note that it is best to do this after the last frost to avoid damaging the plants and possibly freezing them to death. We hope you enjoy your beautiful, fragrant plants.