Japanese spar, also known as summer spar, is an undemanding tree. If cared for well, the subshrub will thank you with a wonderful display of flowers that delight the eyes from early summer to autumn. In summer, in addition to fertilizing and watering, the program also includes cutting and propagating.
Japanese spar bush: The most important things about summer care summarized
The summer spar is a small shrub from Asia (where it is native to South Korea and Japan) with loose and slightly bushy growth. The ornamental shrub grows just as tall as it is wide – around 120 to a maximum of 150 cm and gains 30 cm every year.
Japanese spiraea: poisonous or non-poisonous?
The Japanese spiraea is not poisonous to people and pets and is therefore suitable for planting flower beds in the family garden. It also cuts a fine figure as a hedge plant and is popular with hobby gardeners because of its dense growth.
The shrub spar isBy the way, bee-friendly. However, the useful value for the pollinating insects can vary greatly from variety to variety.
A location in full sun proves to be optimal. The summer spar can also thrive in light shade, but flower production slows down. Otherwise, the shrub is considered undemanding and can easily withstand wind, snow and rain. In its native lands it can be found in mountainous areas. However, the robustness of the plants can vary from variety to variety, so it's best to ask at the garden center or local tree nursery.
Soil requirements
As far as soil conditions are concerned, a moderately moist soil with a pH value in the acidic range and a low lime content proves to be optimal. A layer of sand improves permeability, and a regular supply of humus provides sufficient nutrients.
Japanese spar bush: care
The summer spar is an uncomplicated plant. In the first few years, the shrub needs regular watering, but from then on you can only water when necessary, for example when the heat is persistent. At the start of the gardening season, you can provide the plant with slow-release fertilizer to encourage sprouting.
flowering time
Its white to light pink flowers appear in umbels up to 20 cm in size around the beginning of July. The flowering period lasts until August, but can be extended until early September. The flowers give off a sweet aroma.
Planting in the garden and in containers
You can plant the young plants that are available in garden centers in pots from spring to autumn. An important prerequisite for this is that the permanent frost is over and the temperatures in the ground do not fall below 0° Celsius at night. If you plant it in summer and there is prolonged heat, you should water the ornamental shrub thoroughly. You can use the young plantsmulch additionallyso that the water does not evaporate too quickly. Planting in the garden should take place before or immediately after the flowering period. Early autumn proves to be the optimal time, before permanent frost sets in.
Use in the garden
As a soloist, the summer spar is mainly arranged in pots on the terrace. In groups it becomes a real eye-catcher in the flowering hedge. It is also suitable for planting on slopes, as an accent around the entrance to a house or as part of a wild hedge.
Cutting summer spars: common mistakes to avoid
Sparrows that bloom in spring need pruning in summer. However, this should not be done annually, but rather every two years.
In contrast, the Japanese spar bush is cut back heavily once in the spring. Since it blooms on this year's wood, the old shoots are shortened to 15 cm in February. This encourages new sprouting and ensures abundant flowering in the summer.
However, summer pruning differs from vigorous pruning in spring. Its goal is to extend the flowering period. That's why what has faded is cut off. Sick or inwardly growing shoots are also removed. If necessary, you can also thin out the bush a little so that all shoots get enough sunlight.
Multiply the summer spars in the summer
By the way, the Japanese spar bush can be propagated in summer, at the end of the flowering period. In this country, propagation usually takes place via cuttings, but in the USA the plant can self-seed and multiply quickly within a few years. Conservationists there repeatedly report that the invasive plant has also spread into nature reserves.
The summer spar is aAsian shrub, which is native to Korea, Japan and China. But the undemanding tree can also thrive in the home garden without any problems and requires little care. There are a few things you should pay attention to, especially when cutting, because the Japanese spar bush blooms on this year's wood.