Fight curl disease with home remedies: This is how you can cure the fruit trees

Curl disease is a persistent fungal disease that affects flowers, fruits, leaves and shoots of peaches, nectarines, apricots and almonds. If not treated quickly, it can affect fruit production. In this article you will find out how you can combat and prevent frizz with home remedies.

Efficiently fight curling illness with home remedies

Spring is the time when curling disease is at work, as the cool and damp weather favors the spread of the disease. It causes ugly curling of the leaves, often with a pink discoloration. The leaves fall prematurely, severely weakening the trees and greatly affecting fruit production. The fruits can also become infected directly and fall off prematurely. Fortunately, there are some effective home remedies that can be used to treat and save the fruit trees in the garden.

First aid for the affected plants

When you notice the first symptoms of the disease, immediately remove all affected leaves and plant parts to reduce the number of spores. Destroy them along with the infected foliage and never add infected plant parts to the compost.

Combating frizz disease requires aearly treatment. The damage can be minimized if measures to prevent the disease are taken in a timely manner.