In summer, lavender not only pleases the eye, but also promises a treat for all the senses. Its small purple flowers bring a Mediterranean touch to the garden and its gentle scent has a calming effect. However, in order for the Mediterranean shrub to thrive in the garden or in the pot for a long time, proper care is essential. This also includes early summer pruning. We explain when and how you should cut the lavender.
Many flowering plants are cut back after the flowering period has ended. Most are more of a topiary that stimulates flower production next year. With lavender it isthis care cutbut very important because it can prevent the subshrub from becoming woody.
When is the right time for a summer cut?
The optimal time for such a summer cut is directly after the end of the flowering period, i.e. from the end of July to mid-August. If you don't cut the plant back, the shoots will become woody and the lavender will not be able to produce flowers there next year. If you cut back the Mediterranean plant right after it finishes flowering, it will not produce seeds. This saves the resources that the lavender would use to form seeds. Some plants even bloom a second time in the summer.
Cutting lavender: This is what you should keep in mind!
Use sharp secateurs to cut back the Mediterranean plant. Shorten the shoots by 30%, but never cut into the old wood. Lavender can only sprout again from fresh shoots. So leave this year's wood standing. When pruning you should also pay attention to the growth habit of the plants. It turns out to be optimal if the subshrub is cut into a half-round shape. So leave the shoots higher in the middle and cut the side shoots lower.
Summer pruning of lavender: instructions
First, clean the secateurs thoroughly. Wear gardening gloves. Choose a cloudy day. Do not cut back the lavender when it rains because the cuts are open entry points for bacteria and fungi. Even when it's hot, you shouldn't cut off the Mediterranean subshrub because too strong sunlight can cause burns.
Hold several shoots together with one hand and cut them off with secateurs. You can shorten annual shoots by a third, and old shoots can be shortened by half. If the plant is woody from below, you should take extra care to ensure that as many young shoots as possible remain.
Care after cutting: Fertilize and water
After summer pruning, you no longer need to fertilize the plant. Leave them alone and water them only as needed. This will give it enough time to recover from pruning before the end of the flowering period. Lime applications are no longer necessary in the summer after the flowers have faded.
Cut lavender in the pot
After pruning in summer, the plant needs about 3 - 4 weeks to recover. Then you can repot them into a larger container. The Mediterranean plant develops its roots quickly and therefore needs to be repotted annually. September proves to be optimal, right before the potted plant is brought into its winter quarters.
Cutting lavender in the garden: Common errors
If lavender is growing in the garden, you should cut it back no later than mid-August. Otherwise, the plant will not have time to properly recover from the cut. Otherwise you risk frost damage.
Lavender has faded, what to do? So you can use the cut flowers in the household
The cut lavender flowers can be used in many ways in the household. To make them last longer, you can hang them upside down in a dark and well-ventilated place and let them dry. Place the flowers in an airtight mason jar and store them in a dark, dry place. You can then use the dried flowers for various purposes. For example:
- Flavoring carpets:Place a handful of flowers in a spray bottle, fill with water and leave for 1 to 2 hours. Then spray the carpets with it and let it dry.
- Make your own mosquito spray:Pour 4 tablespoons of alcohol (clear, 60%) and 80 ml of distilled water from the pharmacy into an empty and clean perfume bottle and add 2 tablespoons of dried lavender flowers. To apply to the skin, you can fill the bottle with witch hazel water and add 2 tablespoons of lavender flowers. Let it steep for about 2 hours, then strain andUse as a mosquito spray.
- Make your own bath salt:Mix Himalayan salt with lavender and place in an empty plastic bag.
- This is how the laundry smells better in the dryer:Fill a small organza bag with dry flowers, tie it very tightly and put it in the dryer. To be on the safe side, you can seek advice from the manufacturer, as this is not permitted for some devices.