Rhododendron care – useful tips for hobby gardeners

I strongly assume that you like to travel, are passionate about experimenting and sometimes want to bring a bit of exoticism back home with you from the far away world. Is it true? The rhododendron can be the missing piece in the mosaic of your garden, where you like to sit with friends over a drink, snack on sushi or simply invite guests for tea and cake. We give you some useful tips for thatRhodendron care.

Rhododendron care – choose the right location

This ornamental plant originally comes from Japan and loves the mild climate, light, cool and fresh air. Despite its Far Eastern origin, the rhododendron got its name from the Greek, “rhodon” means rose and “dendron” means tree, which exactly translates to rose tree. If someone dreamed of a rose without thorns, he actually saw exactly the rhododendron in his sleep.

You can grow your rhododendron in pots and place it only in the partial shade of your garden in summer, as it is better protected from meteorological surprises. The gardening experts advise the following regarding theRhododendron caretoo - it stays outside in the yard in summer and in the winter garden or in the living room. If it is outside, it must be protected from wind and direct sunlight. In natural conditions, you can see these ornamental plants in the shade of large trees or on a slope that is not strongly illuminated by the sun during the day. Only in these places can the rhododendron survive in the wild.

Rhodendron Care – Watering and Fertilizer

If you want to enjoy an exotic shrub at home, you should know thatRhododendron careis not easy. The plant requires careful watering and fertilization. Also be careful, overwatering would be undesirable for this ornamental shrub. The water in Japan is clearly not calcareous because the rhododendrons don't like it.

The rhododendron should be regularly supplied with liquid fertilizers. There are special fertilizers for this ornamental plant on the market. Transplanting is also not that easy because the rhododendron prefers to grow where you first planted it. Only when the old soil is covered with moss and roots can you transplant your ornamental shrub into a new, larger pot, again with special soil for rhododendrons. As you can see, this rather fickle and demanding flower requires special attention and personal touches, but it all pays off with amazingly beautiful blooms. It has been cultivated in Japan for centuries and there are hundreds of varieties and hybrids. This is actually an evergreen ornamental shrub with olive green leaves, 2-3 cm long and with many, beautiful flowers, 4-5 cm in diameter. Flowering time is late April, early May, but much later in colder climates.

Rhodendron in the garden creates colorful and cozy atmosphere

Are you also one of the happy owners of rhododendrons? If your answer is yes, then you are to be envied, this ornamental plant can create an amazing, colorful and cozy atmosphere in any backyard, garden and home. If you have some rhododendrons at home, you'll want to spend a lot more time on the porch or in the garden to enjoy the peace and harmony there for as long as possible.

Rhododendron care is not easy, but the end result is worth it

The shrub brings an exotic touch to the garden

Attractive pink flowers

Tall shrub provides privacy