Pests in raised beds: You can identify them with these pictures!

A raised bed offers numerous benefits for gardeners, but it also attracts many pests. In this article we will show you how you can identify and combat the most common pests in raised beds.

Photo: / And Gabriel Atanasie

Even the most experienced gardener can one day be surprised by small pests that threaten the beloved raised bed and laboriously sown plants. Despite all the care and dedication during sowing and care, unwanted visitors such as ants, woodlice, grubs, cutworms and other uninvited guests can appear. But don't despair! With the right knowledge and preparation, you can save your plants and effectively control the pests. In this article we will show you how to identify the most common raised bed pests, supported by detailed images for easy identification. Get ready to defend your raised bed and protect your crops!

Photo: Shutterstock / Korostylev Dmitrii

Identifying features:Small, often black or red insects that occur in large groups and build their nests in the ground or under stones.

Damage to plants:Ants themselves do not directly harm plants, but digging burrows and creating nests weakens plants and harvests can be greatly reduced.

Combat strategies:

  • Chemical ant repellents should be avoided because, according to, they also harm plants. Sprinkle cinnamon, baking soda or coffee grounds around the raised bed to keep ants away.
  • Flood the ant nest with water at least twice a day. The ants will then most likely look for a new location soon.
  • Use nematodes that attack ant larvae.

Read what else helps against ants in raised bedsin this article.

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