There is something particularly valuable about shrubs and hedges that bloom in winter. The sight of these attractive and hardy flowers, which defy frost, rain and snow, lifts our spirits on dreary winter days. Many of them also give off a lovely scent and can be cut for winter bouquets for your home. Here is our list of the most beautiful winter bloomers that can add some color to your winter garden!
1. Lorbeer-Schneeball 'Gwenllian' (Viburnum tinus)
Flowering period: November – April
Growth height: 100 – 150 cm
Snowball bushes are evergreen gems that impress with their attractive presence even in winter. An absolute favorite variety of many gardeners is 'Gwenllian', which was bred in London around 50 years ago. It's not quite as compact as 'Eve Price' and doesn't have pure white flowers like 'French White', but the combination of deep pink buds opening into white flowers followed by blue-black berries makes this shrub a real eye-catcher.
2. Bodnant-Winterschneeball 'Dawn' (Viburnum x bodnantense)
Flowering time: November – mid-April
Growth height: 200 – 300 cm
The Bodnant winter viburnum is another deciduous shrub valued for its combination of color and scent. Deep pink-red buds that open into white-pale pink flowers grow in clusters on the bare branches and are usually so lush that the branches begin to droop. The flowers are also unexpectedly frost tolerant. You can cut the branches and arrange them in vases to enjoy the wonderful flowers at home.
3. Mahonia 'Wintersonne' (Mahonia media) sets yellow accents in winter
Flowering period: January – April
Growth height: 150 – 200 cm
Mahonias are robust and hardy ornamental plants that have evergreen, holly-like leaves and dark purple berries. However, their best feature is their long panicles of fragrant, yellow flowers in late fall, winter and spring, which are a valuable source of food for bees and other pollinators. With its bright yellow flowers, the Mahonia 'Winter Sun' drives away the dreary gray of winter!
4. Witch hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia) in winter
Flowering period: January – March
Growth height: depending on the variety, 100 to 350 cm
Witch hazel belongs to the witch hazel family. They are long-lived, robust shrubs that produce fragrant flowers like small flames on their bare branches in winter. Many varieties also delight with their beautiful autumn colors. The most popular varieties include Hamamelis x intermedia 'Barmstedts Gold' with yellow flowers, 'Orange Beauty' with orange flowers and 'Rubin' with dark red flowers.
5. Winterblühende Heide (Erica x darleyensis)
Flowering time: November to April depending on the variety
Growth height: 30 – 40 cm
Erica x darleyensis includes many hybrids of Erica carnea and Erica erigena. The winter heather is particularly popular because of its magnificent and long flowering period, which begins in November and extends into April. The sturdy, hardy dwarf shrub can be grown in any garden and is also a favorite for winter containers. To create a sea of pink, white, purple and red flowers, combine several species such as 'White Perfection', 'Kramer's Rote' and 'Rubina'.
6. Seidelbast ‘Jacqueline Postill’ (Daphne bholua)
Flowering period: January – April
Growth height: 150 – 250 cm
Daphne can be demanding and difficult to grow, but it is worth the effort. A popular variety is D. bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' - one of the best fragrantflowering bushes. Its rather upright habit is appreciated by owners of smaller gardens, and its red buds, which open into large white flowers, create an impressive winter display amidst the normally evergreen foliage. And then there is the scent, which can be almost intoxicating. Daphne is a good choice for a door or gate that you walk past in winter.
7. Chinese winterflower (Chimonanthus praecox)
Flowering period: January – March
Growth height: 200 – 300 cm
If you plant this shrub in a sheltered, sunny spot, it will reward you with yellow, star-shaped flowers that have maroon stripes on the inner petals. The spicy scent of vanilla is very strong. But be patient, because the Chinese winter blossom may not bloom for a few years. But the wait is worth it.
8. Cornelian cherry 'Golden Glory' (Cornus mas) glows in late winter
Flowering time: end of February – beginning of April
Growth height: 250 – 400 cm
The yellow flower clusters of Cornus mas have long been prized, but 'Golden Glory' sets new standards. As a small tree or large shrub, 'Golden Glory' grows less sprawling and blooms profusely even as a young plant. The cornelian cherry produces small umbels of golden yellow flowers on bare branches in February and March. It also bears red fruits, which are edible but acidic, and has reddish-purple fall foliage. The shrub grows slowly and reaches its maximum size after 10 to 20 years.