A flat lawn not only looks good, it is also easier to maintain. To ensure that the robotic lawnmower doesn't get stuck, that the rainwater drains away easily and that scarifying is uncomplicated, you should straighten the uneven lawn. We explain how to level out problem areas with sand and earth and compare the two methods.
Straightening uneven lawns: the variants in comparison
In principle, there are many variations on how to level out an uneven surface. Which one you choose depends on the following factors, among others:
- Small, but widely distributed unevenness is best straightened with sand.
- Severe unevenness, caused for example by moles, is best filled with earth and straightened with a roller.
- Large and pronounced unevenness must be leveled out by digging.
So that you can better evaluate the initial situation, first determine the height differences in the lawn. You can measure this with a spirit level and weighing bar. Mark the problem areas with stakes and create a sketch so that you can keep track of them later when leveling.
When is the best time to level the lawn?
The best time for this gardening work is in spring. You can do the work on a weekend before or after the Ice Saints. In principle, the grass grows much slower until the end of May than in summer and can then recover better. However, if the temperatures rise above 25 degrees Celsius, then you have missed the right time to laboriously fill in large bumps. But you can still compensate for individual spots.
Straighten uneven lawns with sand: This is how you can level out individual areas
Have you noticed that only individual areas of the lawn need to be leveled? Then you can use lawn sand. “Lawn sand” refers to quartz sand with a fine grain size between 0.4 mm – 1.4 mm and pH values of 6.5 to 7.5. It is best to use sand that has been washed several times, it can be applied quickly and effortlessly. Then do the following:
1. Check the soil - if it is dry, it needs to be watered the day before.
2. Mix garden soil, sand and compost in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5 and pour into a wheelbarrow.
3. Cover the depressions with a 1 cm thick layer of sand mixture; it is best to move over the area with a broom. This way you distribute the sand as evenly as possible and the blades of grass can stand up again after a short rest period.
4. If necessary, additionally straighten the area with a lawn roller.
5. For bald peopleSpots in the lawn, Scatter seeds evenly.
Repeat the process several times during the summer months to smooth out the unevenness.
Straighten pronounced unevenness in the lawn with soil: This is how it works!
Individual, pronounced unevenness, such as molehills, can be easily straightened with earth. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Water the lawn the day before.
2. Collect the soil from the molehills with a spade and place it in a wheelbarrow. Then add compost/sand/substrate for houseplants as needed to improve the garden soil and supply it with nutrients. Remove weeds.
3. Fill the uneven areas with the soil mixture. Additionally level the soil with a lawn roller.
4. Scatter seeds evenly and let the lawn sprinkler run for about 15 minutes.
5. Let the lawn rest for the next few days so that the grass blades can recover and the seeds can germinate.
With the right care, the lawn stays nice and flat
Proper care is crucial to keeping the lawn nice and flat. What you definitely shouldn't forget: Check the area regularly for signs of moles or voles. The latter are even more dangerous because they excavate a complicated system of tunnels under the lawn. This only becomes noticeable when it is too late and individual areas of the lawn suddenly sink.
It is also important to only water the lawn as much as necessary and to improve drainage if necessary.
The next step to a level lawn is regular rolling. This makes it easy to level out small unevenness and compact the soil.
A beautiful lawnis every hobby gardener's dream. However, to ensure that it pleases the eye for years after planting, it must be cared for properly. Watering, fertilizing, scarifying and rolling are among the most important gardening tasks in spring and summer. Spring is also the best time to level out individual areas or fill the holes in the lawn with soil. There are many different options, but over time filling with sand and earth has proven to be particularly successful. Both are carried out in 5 steps.