Caring for supermarket basil: Follow these tips to have a lush plant at home

Basil is a culinary herb used for its fragrant leaves, which contain a high concentration of essential oils. There are a number of different varieties of basil, of which sweet basil is the most common, and it is used in cooking worldwide. Basil is native to warm, tropical climates, and although it can be grown indoors, it grows best outdoors in hot, dry conditions. If you learn how to care for supermarket basil, you'll end up with a lush plant that you can grow yourself at home.

How should you care for basil from the supermarket?

Choosing the best plant:When buying basil at the store, look for larger plants that are bushy and vigorous. If the leaves look wilted or drooping, this indicates that basil has dried out. If possible, check the roots in the pot and make sure the plant is free of roots. If you see healthy roots, it's a good sign that you can replant the plant at home.

The basil you buy at the supermarket is packaged in a plastic wrapper and the plant itself is in a small pot. One of the most common ways to care for supermarket basil is to place the plant in a saucer of water on a windowsill that gets plenty of sunlight. Then water the plant every few days to keep it hydrated.

While this is a viable method for caring for supermarket basil, it only keeps the plant alive for a short time. The reason for this is that the plant's pot is planted with many basil plants - not just one. It's too cramped for all of them to grow and thrive in one pot, so they run out of space and nutrients and inevitably die after about a week or two.

How to preserve basilfind out here!

How to propagate basil plant

If you want an abundance of basil for many months, you'll need to divide the stronger, healthier basil plants and pot them individually so they can thrive.

What you need:

  • 1 basil plant from the supermarket
  • Small, separate pots
  • Potting soil
  • a warm location for your new basil – somewhere with direct sunlight

You should follow the following steps:

  • Remove the basil plant from the pot and separate the plants by gently pulling the root ball apart. To minimize damage to the plant, pull gently but firmly. Try to only grab the root/soil part of the plant so you don't damage the stems or leaves.
  • Once you have exposed the inside of the root ball, look atwhich plants are the healthiestand largest, because you will want to plant these individually. You can use the smaller plants in your recipes in the next few days.
  • Pull each larger basil plant further apart and plant it in its own pot. Always plant the basil at the same height as in the original pot as the basil stems are delicate and should not be planted too deep.
  • Place your newly potted plants in a warm, cozy place with direct sunlight, such as a balcony. B. on a windowsill or in a greenhouse.
  • When you want to harvest basil, remove the top leaves from the top of the plant down so that the rest grows bushy.
  • If you plant your individual basil together in a larger pot or outdoors, make sure you leave enough space between each plant to grow - 20-25 cm of space is sufficient.

How does basil from the supermarket stay fresher for longer?

Now that you know how to care for and propagate supermarket basil, here are some tips to keep your plant alive and blooming:

  • Water your basil well
    Make sure your basil plant is constantly hydrated by watering it regularly. If your basil plant looks limp, it's a sign that you need to water it more often. Stick half a finger into the compost, and if the soil feels dry at this depth, give it a little water. Use planters with adequate drainage holes to prevent roots from becoming waterlogged. A rich potting mix also helps with drainage. Be sure to only water at the base of the plant to avoid leaf diseases.
  • Harvesting the basil
    When basil is about 15-20 cm tall, you can start harvesting the leaves. Do this regularly, even if you don't use it for cooking. Regularly picking the leaves from your plant will encourage new growth and leave you with lush foliage. The more shoot tips you pinch off, the more the plant will produce. Cut off any dead leaves, and when your basil begins to bloom, remove the flowers so your plant doesn't grow too large and stays bushy.
  • Protect basil plants from pests
    Caterpillars love basil, so spray your basil lightly with a diluted pesticide or insecticide. And wash the leaves well before eating them.

Health benefits of basil + delicious recipes you canread here!