Bush tomatoes for the balcony: 10 suitable varieties and tips for growing in containers

Don't have a garden but would like to grow your own vegetables? Why not? You can also grow your popular vegetables on the balcony. Do you want to grow tomatoes? There are several varieties of balcony bush tomatoes that are very easy to grow. Even if you are a beginner, you don't need to worry because the following is what you will getTips and instructionsto help you grow!

Do tomatoes grow better in pots or in the ground?

Many gardeners grow vegetables in the ground in the garden. You may be wondering whether growing tomatoes in containers could be successful. One of the big advantagesof growing in potsis that you have to worry less about pests and diseases. And if you choose the right variety, you will harvest just as many tomatoes as if you grew them in the ground. In this article we will help you with useful information so that you can choose the right variety and care for the plants properly.

Growing tomatoes on the balcony – what you should consider?

You need to design your balcony garden to ensure adequate amount of sunlight. Tomatoesneed full sun, at least eight hours a day to thrive. Choosing the right soil is also very important. One of the advantages of potted tomatoes is that they have fewer pest and disease problems, and if you use store-bought soil, you're off to a good start. There are many mixes on the market that are specifically made for growing vegetables.

What do you need to grow bush tomatoes for balcony?

Here's everything you need to grow tomatoes on your balcony.

  • pots
  • Tomato seedlings
  • Earth
  • Fertilizers
  • Water
  • Stakes or cages

You will need to repot the plants once they are sturdy enough and over 10 inches tall. A pot with a diameter of about 25 cm is enough so that the tomatoes have enough space to grow.

Which types of tomatoes are suitable?

What should you consider when choosing your plants? Pay attention to the overall size. Some tomatoes grow very large and bear heavy fruit. However, there are some varieties that are specifically for theGrow on the balcony or in the potwere bred.

10 varieties of bush tomatoes for balconies

Small tomato seedlings can be found at garden centers. Here are 10 common tomato varieties for balconies:

Better Bush: This is a small, compact shrub for balconies or containers. The plants grow to a height of up to 1.20 m and it takes around 70 days to harvest.

Bush Beefsteak: It is a compact plant with well-sized, beefsteak-shaped fruits. Approximately 60 days to harvest.

Bush Early Girl:These are small, compact plants with very good taste. Approximately 55 days to harvest.

Clear Pink Early:This is also a compact plant with round, soft pink fruits with a sweet and spicy taste. It takes approximately 60 days to harvest.

Early Wonder:compact plant with round, dark pink fruits, full tomato aroma, excellent taste. It takes 55 days to harvest.

New Big Dwarf:A compact plant up to 0.6 m high; tasty fruits, 60 days to harvest.

Red Rocket:This is a compact, bushy shrub with soft, flavorful fruits and takes 60 days to harvest.

Tiny Tim: A small plant for containers that grows up to 50 cm high; These are bright red cherry tomatoes and take about 60 days to harvest.

Tumbling Tom: This is a small plant suitable for hanging baskets, with cascading growth up to approx. 45 cm; 70 days to harvest.

506 Bush: A small plant up to 18 cm high, with medium-sized, mild-tasting, bright red fruits with a hint of sweetness; good drought tolerance and approximately 60 days to harvest.

How do you care for potted tomatoes on the balcony?

The mixture of earthworm castings and peat moss helps nourish and aerate the plants. You can use vegetable fertilizer when transferring your seedlings to their larger pots. Over the summeryou can use it on your plantsfurther help by removing dried or yellowed leaves and giving another small dose of fertilizer. This way you can extend the harvest season.

How often to water tomatoes on the balcony? The soil must be constantly moist to maximize plant growth and yield. The pots on a balcony dry out more quickly than in a garden in the ground. When watering your plants, be careful not to get the plant's leaves too wet, as wet leaves can lead to fungal diseases.