Maintain the cocktail tomatoes on the balcony: With these tips you can achieve the best harvest

You can't just grow tomatoes in the garden. They are perfect as container plants. And what is there delicious as a fresh tomato salad on a summer evening, with your own tomatoes that you breed on the balcony? With the right varieties and the right nutrients in the soil, you can eat fresh tomatoes all summer. You can plant cocktail tomatoes in the pot and the cultivation is quite simple. We show how you maintain cocktail tomatoes on the balcony, which growth conditions you should take into account and provide important tips and instructions for the correct care of the tomato plants. Read on!

What are cocktail tomatoes

Cocktail tomatoes are larger than grape and cherry tomatoes, but still from the small, sweet variety. They are well suited for cultivation in pots and can be used for different salads and sauces. The popular fruits are also perfect for inserting. As a rule, cocktail tomatoes are relatively easy to care for and they are not so susceptible to diseases compared to tomatoes in the garden. The buckets in which they grow the plants must be large enough so that the roots can develop well.

Ensure required nutrients for cocktail tomatoes

Tomatoes are usually stronger, and tomatoes pulled in the bucket must be fed every two weeks. Make sure to add the most important nutrients you need to your plants. The main nutrients for cocktail tomatoes are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is recommended toan organic fertilizerto fertilize. You get a good harvest if you eat the plants correctly and sufficiently. The nitrogen serves to grow the tomatoes and potassium ensures that the plants are able to combat diseases. You can also prepare and use homemade fertilizers from home remedies.

If you plant the tomatoes, choose a high -quality organic potting soil for vegetables. The addition of a few shovels compost when planting can give your vegetables an additional good start. When the plant begins to bloom and bears fruit, you should give additional compost, because at that time your tomatoes need more nutrients to make a rich harvest. Simply mix the compost around the base of the plant and water the earth around the roots.

How often pour cocktail tomatoes on the balcony

If you grow your cocktail tomatoes on the balcony, you have to water them every day. Secure a good drainage so that the roots do not rot. Keep the earth damp regularly. Don't let them dry out completely, but don't overwhelm either. Avoid pouring in direct sunlight, and it is best to pour early in the morning or late in the evening. Note that the leaves and stems stay dry, otherwise fungal diseases can develop.

How much sun for tomatoes in tubs

Like tomatoes in the garden, the plants on the balcony also need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. Place the pot in a sunny place on the balcony. If the plants are in the shade, they will notwear healthy fruits, because they need the full sun for the tire of the fruits. It would be good if you plant your tomatoes on a covered balcony so that they are protected from rain. Or you can make a preliminary mobile rain protection for tomatoes so that you take care of your healthy development.

Should you emit cocktail tomatoes and pruning

Do you have to cut cocktail tomatoes? Yes, it is important to curtail the plant. This is how you promote the growth of the fruits. As with normal tomato plants, you have to remove the side branches that do not bear fruits because you remove the energy of the plant and disturb the correct growth. You should also remove dead leaves. Exposing is also important if you want larger and healthier fruits. It is also important to check the plants for pests and diseases so that you can treat them with organic defense in good time. If you select varieties that grow high, you have to ensure a rank aid.

Which varieties for the cultivation on the balcony

Here are the best cocktail tomatoes that can be attached to the balcony. You must provide rank aid for the higher varieties.

Red cocktail tomatoes:

  • Capriccio F1: This is a sweet variety that gets up to 400 cm high, so rank aid is recommended.
  • Angora Super Sweet: The growth height is up to 250 cm, the variety is with robust fruits.
  • Sweet Pear Currant: This variety is resistant to herb rot.
  • Dolce Vita F1: It is a popular variety that is also resistantAgainst diseasesis and grows up to 400 cm.

Yellow cocktail tomatoes:

  • Yellow pear: This variety grows up to 250 cm and is low in acid.
  • Cuban Yellow Grape: Maximum height 250 cm, the variety is very profitable.
  • Golden Pearl F1: The fruits have soft shell and robust tomatoes.
  • Gold Nugget: This is an easy -care variety with sweet fruits.
  • Mexican honey tomatoes: also an easy -care variety with sweet tomatoes.

Dark -colored cocktail tomatoes:

  • Brown pear: This is a very cute variety that grows very vigorously. You have to attach a support.
  • Black Zebra Cherry: an exotic variety.
  • Black Sweet Cherry: This variety has round fruits that will be harvested from the end of July.