Make eggshell flour yourself: How to use the natural fertilizer in the garden and which plants benefit from it

Eggshell meal is an effective and cost-effective way to improve the soil conditions in your garden and provide your plants with important nutrients. In this article you will find out how you can make eggshell flour yourself and use it in the garden, and what useful properties this home remedy has.

Foto: Kimberly Boyles / shutterstock

Eggshell flour is rich in calcium and can help prevent blossom end rot in some vegetables and strengthen plant cell walls. Making this valuable home remedy is a simple process that not only reduces kitchen waste, but also contributes to sustainable gardening practices.

What useful properties does eggshell flour have in the garden

Photo: Johan Kusuma / Shutterstock

Preparing and using eggshell meal in the garden is a simple but effective way to increase soil fertility and promote plant health.

Eggshell flour has many uses in the garden. It acts as a natural fertilizer and provides the soil with a slow-release source of calcium. This promotes the development of strong roots and overall plant health.

This home remedy is also very valuable for new seeds or seedlings. This natural material also helps fight insects.

What plants are eggshells useful for?

There are manyVegetables, herbs, fruit trees, where the use of eggshells promotes vigorous growth.

The spreading of eggshellsas fertilizer on plantsincreases yields for the following species:

  • Tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • Turnip
  • Leafy greens
  • radish
  • Paprika
  • Melons
  • legumes
  • Raspberries, currants
  • Cherries, apple trees

Also ornamental plantscan benefit from eggshell flour. These species love natural fertilizer:

  • lilac
  • Hydrangeas
  • Rose hips
  • Jasmin
  • Forsythie

Which shells contain the largest amount of useful substances

Photo: Olga Pilnik / shutterstock

Rohe Eggshellsare ideal as fertilizer in the garden and for houseplants. If you want raw freshUse eggshells, you should wash them under the tap and spread them out in a thin layer on paper to dry out.

Purchased Eggshellsare less useful because they lose many minerals during cooking, but can be used for soil mulching and pest control. If you use boiled eggshells, you should remove the egg white layer to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Also read:Fertilizing with eggshells: Which plants in the garden and in the house benefit from the home remedy?

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It is very easy to prepare eggshell flour yourself. Do this:

  • Take fresh eggshells. Pour out the contents of the eggs, wash and boil the shells for five minutes.
  • Before use, the raw material must be crushed.
  • Then dry the peels and after 5-6 hours they are ready.
  • Separate the thin layer of protein from the inside and grind the shells. The washed and dried peels can be processed in a coffee grinder, mortar or blender. You can also grind them into flour on a hard surface using a hammer and a rolling pin.
  • Store in a dry, dark place in tightly closed containers.

When can you use eggshells in the garden

Eggshell waste is added to the soil during sowing and planting in the spring. Adding fertilizer before cold weather also improves the soil. During the winter the shell releases its nutrients into the soil, and by spring the soil is ready for new plantings.

How to feed plants with natural calcium fertilizer

Foto: Woldemar_66 / shutterstock

There are the following options for using eggshell flour for plants.

  1. When sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with eggshell flour and mulched. Also use the product to protect against pests and diseases in the garden.
  2. The shells of 5 to 6 eggs are ground and poured with water. Water garden crops at the roots with the diluted mixture.
  3. How to use eggshells for houseplants? Eggshells for houseplants can be used as an infusion. It is recommended to water home flowers with diluted solution 1-2 times per month.
  4. For garden plants, the shells are placed in the ground from early spring to late autumn.

Which plants should not be fed with eggshell fertilizer

There are garden and house plants that love acidic soil and whose growth is disrupted by feeding them eggshells, because the eggshells help to change the pH of the soil, reducing its acidity and making it more neutral.

Horticultural plants that do not need eggshell fertilizer:

  • Zucchini
  • Kohl
  • Spinach

Houseplants that should not be fed with chicken egg shells:

  • Gloxinia
  • violet
  • Kamelie
  • Gardenie
  • Azaleas
  • Hortensie
  • Pelargonium

Also read:Why sprinkle eggshells around tomato plants? Advantages and application of organic fertilizer