If you want to grow a succulent with a little extra beauty, then the Kalanchoe is for you. Like many succulents, this is a relatively low-maintenance plant that prefers lots of sun and well-drained soil. If you pay a little attention to Kalanchoe care, you can be sure that your plants will thrive – and rebloom for you – all year round.
What you should know about the Kalanchoe plant
There are several species of Kalanchoe, such as cat's ear Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe tomentosa), the desert cabbage (Kalanchoe thyrsiflora) and the broodleaf (Kalanchoe daigremontiana), but the most famous is Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, which is usually simply referred to as Kalanchoe.
Native to Madagascar, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a succulent perennial with shell-shaped leaves and flower umbels that protrude above the foliage. Compared to other succulents, it has a particularly long flowering period. It is slow growing and takes on average two to five years to reach mature size. It comes in pretty shades of red, pink, yellow and white and you can find it in many grocery stores, garden centers and flower shops, especially in the winter.
Important! People who have curious pets at home should be careful where they keep their Kalanchoe – all parts of the plant are poisonous to cats and dogs.
What other plants you should definitely keep away from your pet,find out here!
A must for Kalanchoe care – finding the right light
Kalanchoe plants grown indoors need plenty of light to bloom. They should therefore be kept in a room with lots of bright, natural light. However, avoid placing them in direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves and affect flowering. If you notice that your plant's leaves are starting to turn yellow, this is a sign that it is getting too much sun. Place your plant in a location with less direct sunlight.
Notice: The Kalanchoe preferreda bright location, because this way it receives enough energy from the sun to develop its colorful flowers.
What kind of soil does your plant need?
Outdoors, a Kalanchoe plant grows best in well-drained, sandy soil. Houseplants should be potted in a mixture that doesn't retain too much moisture, such as 50 percent potting soil and 50 percent cactus soil or 60 percent peat moss and 40 percent perlite. To ensure good drainage and avoid an overly humid environment, you can also plant your Kalanchoe in a clay pot that will absorb excess water from the soil.
Kalanchoe care – temperature and humidity
Your home environment is important for the Kalanchoe, although it is not as picky as other houseplants. It generally thrives in temperatures between 13 and 27 degrees Celsius. So other than protecting it from frost, you don't have to do much to create the right environment. These plants are not picky about humidity.
The succulent does not need much water
If you have a habit of occasionally forgetting to water your plants, a Kalanchoe may be the perfect choice for you. This vigorous plant thrives on a minimum of water and only needs complete saturation every few weeks (and even less frequently in the winter months). Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot. Since this plant is a succulent, its leaves are able to store water. Even if you water a few days late, the plant will be fine.
Kalanchoe care – when and with what you should fertilize it
Like most flowering plants, the Kalanchoe benefits from fertilizer, although it is less hungry than many other plants. Garden plants require little more than a one-off light fertilization in spring. You should fertilize houseplants with a balanced fertilizer mixture once a month in the spring and summer months, but not in winter. If flowering is sparse, switch to a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content.
How to make Kalanchoe bloom
With proper care and environment, Kalanchoe plants can bloom indoors year-round. The most important component of a frequently blooming Kalanchoe plant is ample sunlight. In order for your Kalanchoe plant to reach its full potential, it should be in a location where it receives at least six to eight hours of bright light each day.
However, in fall and winter, it is important that the succulent receives almost complete darkness during the remaining hours of the day. A full 14 hours of daily darkness for at least six weeks is necessary for the plant to accumulate energy for further blooms.
Removing flower heads after flowering is also a good way to encourage continued blooming. If you can't help your plant reach its potential, look for a fertilizer mix high in phosphorus that can help it produce additional buds the next time it blooms.
What are the houseplant trends for 2023?You can find out hereand create your own indoor jungle!