It's no surprise to us that you are the happy owner of a Monstera plant (Monstera Delicious) and want to increase them because it is a beauty that is currently extremely trendy and popular. But it's not just the look that ensures this popularity. The fact that the plant is so easy to care for also gives it a few plus points. And Monstera propagation is no exception. Even beginners can try this experiment and try their luck. We will explain to you what is necessary so that you can successfully propagate your Monstera.
What methods of propagation are there?
There are several methods with which you can propagate Monstera, including of course the natural versionthrough seedsas well as the so-called moss removal, but these take longer and are a little more complicated. For this reason, Monstera cuttings are the best method and we would like to discuss them in this article. In the following lines we will explain to you how to obtain offshoots and how to proceed with them correctly.
Propagate Monstera using head cuttings
If you've had your plant for a while, you've probably noticed one or two aerial roots. Yes, exactly, aerial roots, as you would expectof orchids. These form the best conditions forto obtain cuttings, which can be used to grow a new plant. If you want to propagate the Monstera through aerial roots, look for a potential cutting (in this case a head cutting) on the plant that has at least one of them and one or two leaves.
Furthermore, the ideal head cutting should be located above a so-called leaf node and contain another one itself. You can recognize these by the slight thickening from which the leaves emerge (if you have left a leaf on your cutting, you will automatically receive the leaf node). To summarize again, the cutting needs:
- at least one aerial root
- at least one leaf (a new one will later develop from this)
- and the associated leaf nodes
Now cut this stem about one centimeter below the root. Under no circumstances should you cut or damage the Monstera aerial roots. Now let the cutting rest for an hour. This step is necessary to allow the interface to dry. The future new plant is then placed in a vase with water to form roots. It is important that the Monstera aerial roots are in water and that you also change the water every week to avoid diseases. With every water change (or in between) you can check whether new roots have formed.
This is the right moment to plant the plant in a pot. It is best to use potting soil and make the stem as straight as possible. Well, it is important to always keep the soil moist, otherwise the fresh roots and others cannot develop well.
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Use a stem cutting
You will get the stem cutting from the lower part from which you separated the head cutting. But in order for you to be successful here too, the stem must have a so-called sleeping eye. This is a place from which a new shoot can form - a method by which the plant tries to survive because you have severed the leaf node at the top and therefore a new leaf can no longer develop on that part of the plant.
This method of propagation requires more energy and time for the plant than top cuttings, which is why the latter is the more popular.
Plant cuttings directly into soil
Yes, rooting can also be done directly in soil, so you can skip the watering step if you want to propagate your Monstera. However, there is a risk that you may accidentally let the substrate become too dry or, conversely, keep it too wet, which can lead to the cutting rotting. If you choose this method, make sure that the soil is only moist throughout. This works best with a spray bottle.
The cutting should also have a leaf node in this variant so that a new leaf can grow from it. The substrate should also be warm and have a temperature of around 25 degrees, but the pot should not be in direct sun. You can prevent the soil from drying out by covering the pot with cling film. Alternatively, a translucent plastic hood or a mason jar is also suitable. If you decide to cover the pot, remember to remove the cover daily to ventilate.
Propagate Monstera without aerial roots
Would you like to get started right away and propagate your Monstera, but your plant hasn't yet formed a single aerial root in the necessary place? Try it anyway! The fact is that an existing aerial root makes your project easier, but it is not absolutely necessary. However, the leaf and leaf bud should still be present. After you have cut the cutting, simply place it in water, as described above, where you want new roots to form.
Tipp: Using the same methods, you can toothe Ivymultiply.