Cultivating plants makes the garden prettier and more aromatic. Aromatic spices are loyal helpers in the kitchen. It's even better if you have them to hand when cooking. What does it take to properly care for spice plants? Cultivating plants and especially spices should be easy for even the most novice gardener. They are not sensitive, rarely get sick and only need to be protected from winds. You can also store the spicy leaves for a long time by drying or freezing them. This means you will always have enough aromatic spices to hand.
Special features of basil
Basil is one of the most common and popular aromatic plants in the garden. It likes the warmth and the sun and needs to be protected from drafts. In summer it should be watered regularly. Also, don't forget to spray the leaves with water often. The plant blooms in red and white colors from May to September. If you decide to dry the basil, you should do this before the flowering period. You can choose the variety depending on your cooking preferences. The red-leaved basil and the Thai basil are spicier, while the European basil is more aromatic. The plant “scares away” cigarette smoke indoors and even mosquitoes outdoors. The best time to sow basil is in April or May.
Even inexperienced gardeners will not find it difficult to properly care for this aromatic plant. It doesn't have any special requirements when it comes to space in the garden, but if you find it a sunnier spot, the spice will be more aromatic. You just need a larger flower pot as this plant has long roots and therefore needs more space. The dill grows up to 25 cm high. It is not sensitive and is rarely attacked by aphids or affected by the weather. In summer, the spice plant needs to be watered regularly and the soil must be moist. You can sow dill between March and September.
Special features of parsley
Parsley needs a sunny or partially shaded location. Otherwise it will lose its aroma and turn yellow. Water this spice plant regularly because it loves moisture. But make sure that the water does not build up, otherwise the roots will become moldy. Overall, she doesn't have any special requirements when it comes to soil, but she would prefer soil rich in humus. You should also remove weeds regularly, otherwise the parsley will grow more slowly. There are two different types of parsley. One has smoother leaves, a stronger scent and typical taste. The other has curly leaves and is mainly used for decoration. Parsley can be sown between early spring and late autumn. Distribute the seeds evenly over the ground and cover them with no more than half a centimeter of soil. Press lightly with your hand. Afterwards you will need a little patience until the first leaves appear.
How to care for thyme
For the thyme, choose the warmest and sunniest place in your garden. This aromatic plant does not need a lot of water and they do not mind dry periods. It likes sandy soils that are rich in humus and contain lime. The plant blooms in pretty pink and purple colors from June to October. Real thyme is widespread. But lemon thyme is also becoming increasingly popular. It's not just useful in the kitchen. Its strong scent also drives away pests from neighboring plants.
The savory and its special features
Savory is easy to care for. It is very aromatic, which is always an advantage in the kitchen. You should place the spice plant in a place with partial shade and water it moderately often and in a moderate amount. So she will be able to delight you with her great scent. The earth should be rich in humus. Savory is most aromatic before and during flowering, as well as early in the morning. There are varieties that you can use all year round. You should sow the savory between April and the beginning of June.
Rosemary as another fragrant spice plant
This evergreen spice plant has small leaves that resemble needles. It blooms between March and July in pretty, light purple colors. This plant also doesn't need much care. As soon as the thermometer shows above 20 degrees Celsius, it is time to move the plant outside to a sunny location that is also protected from the wind. The plant should be provided with a large flower pot with sand or clay soil. Water them rarely but regularly. Rosemary can be used all year round and goes wonderfully with meat and fish dishes. Cultivating plants can be interesting and useful.