In many ways, the physalis is an extraordinary plant. First of all, she comes in her own, unique vessel: Under a dome of several thin, green leaves that turn into the maturation of the cherry-sized fruits pale-like paper-like paper-like, the fruits are located. This resembles small Chinese lanterns. Since the physalis is closely related to the tomato, it can be expected that it thrives in areas in which the tomato also thrives. How you can plant physalis, discover below!
Physalis plants - tips for cultivation and care
The physalis has recently extended its distribution area in southern France, India, the United States and Australia. And in the gardens of Europe. Because the physalis can be planted, maintained and spread where there are tomatoes. Despite her potential durability of up to 10 years, due to its lack of resilience, she is often seen as a one -year plant. As an exotic highlight, it is most important to take care of them as long as the plants are young, regardless of their later age.
Breeding of captual berries - seeds
Like the tomatoes, sow the seeds from February to early April. May is the ideal time to sow the seeds outside in a bright place or to pull the seedlings in a winter garden or greenhouse. From August to September is harvesting. Draw from seeds every year to achieve the best results by treating them as a one -year -old plant.
The seeds can be bought in retail or even obtained from the fruit itself. To do this, sting the fruit with tweezers or a toothpick to remove the seeds. Then remove all residues and dab the seeds dry. The best time for the cultivation of the plant is at the beginning of the year, preferably in February.
Use small pots from the nursery for the sowing and fill them with normal potting soil. It can happen that you do not cover all seeds with earth. The most important thing is that the earth is moist but not soaked. The seeds are best irrigated with a spray bottle.
Then choose a warm and shady place, for example a window oriented to the east, and set up the pots there. Until the seedlings have the courage to open, there is nothing more to do. This can take between a few days and weeks. In mid -May, the perfect time is to transplant your houseplants outdoors. Physalis plants need a distance of about 80 cm to each other to optimally multiply in this environment. A 10-liter container, on the other hand, would be ideal for their planting.
Multiply physalis from stains
Since physalis in a natural environment are known to take longer under certain conditions to mature, this is a good choice if you live in a colder zone. Otherwise the time could not be enough to let it ripen. If you choose cuttings instead of seeds, you save a lot of time. The reason for this is that you don't have to wait for the seeds to grow. If you want to use cuttings, you need a plant that has already driven out last season.
If you harvest the shoots (10 cm) from the shrub in autumn, make a long, sloping cut. The intake of water and nutrients is facilitated by the enlarged cut surface. In the next step, the freshly cut shoots with normal potting soil are planted in individual planters. Make sure to pour these pots regularly in the cold winter months and place them in a light place. If everything goes according to plan, you can plant the cuttings in mid -May as soon as you have taken root.
Plant your physalis seeds in pots before the frost or implement them into pots after buying if you want you to last longer than a year. Then search for a bright place with a constant temperature of around 10 - 15 ° C and set up the pots there. In order to promote the growth of new branches in spring, you can also cut the plants back to about a third of the height.
Read too:Physalis hibernate in the pot: Instructions and tips about pruning, location and cuttings
Cold the captual berry properly
Especially in dry weather, you should water the capture berry frequently. Tomato or other potassium-rich plant fertilizers should be administered once a week. If the plant is ripe, you should consider a stake.
Harvest and storage: Collect the captual berriesFrom August to September, when their bright orange fruits are ripe and the shells have become brittle and light brown. Keep the fruits in your shells in a warm, dry place for several weeks.
Pests:The capture berry often does not cause any problems. The fruits are protected from pests by their paper -like shell.
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Cover picture: Olga Korica/ Shutterstock