Fight fungus gnats effectively: Easily get rid of the flies in potting soil

If you like growing houseplants at home, you certainly don't want them to suffer from pests. However, if you often see small flying insects around them, it is very likely that you have a problem. Fortunately, it is very easy to effectively combat the annoying fungus gnats if you know the right tips and home remedies.

Photo: Shutterstock/ Tomasz Klejdysz

Fighting fungus gnats effectively: The best tips and effective home remedies

Fungus gnats are tiny insects that feed on fungi and organic matter in potting soil. They resemble mosquitoes and are similar in size to fruit flies. When they attack houseplants, they damage their roots and can make them susceptible to disease. That's why you should get rid of them as quickly as possible and fortunately you can do this in a completely natural way.

How do you recognize the infestation?

You can easily recognize a fungus gnat infestation. Since these insects are not very capable of flying, they usually stay close to the affected plant. To determine if there is a problem, you can also loosen the soil slightly and then you will see the tiny, transparent larvae.

Other possible signs include weak growth and yellow leaves.

Reduce moisture

An infestation usually occurs when the soil in the planters is too moist. It should be remembered that the humidity in summer is much higher than in winter, which can promote an infestation. Therefore, you should adapt your watering routine to the season and only water houseplants when the top layer of soil is dry or, ideally, water them from below. Also remember that they should never be left in water. Since fungus gnats lay their eggs in the top layer of soil, drying out will kill any eggs and prevent them from spreading.

To prevent infestation, you can also occasionally remove the top 5 cm of soil and replace it with fresh potting soil.

Use sticky traps

Foto: Shutterstock/ MarcOliver_Artworks

An effective control method is the use of adhesive traps. These are available at most garden centers. You can also make your own by coating cardboard strips with honey or petroleum jelly.

Place the sticky traps near your houseplants. Place a few on the soil surface for best results. Don't forget to replace these every few days or when they become covered in insects.

Make your own vinegar trap

White vinegar is a home remedy that attracts fungus gnats thanks to its natural acidity. Therefore, it is very effective for creating a trap. Fill a small jar with white vinegar and add a few drops of dish soap. Mix well and cover the jar with plastic wrap by poking a few small holes. Place the jar next to the infected houseplant. After the insects are attracted to the vinegar, they stick to the liquid.

Effective method using matches

Although traps are effective against fungus gnats, they cannot control the larvae of the annoying insects. Matches come in handy here because their sulfur components kill them.

Once you have identified an infestation, you should stick 1-2 matches upside down into the soil. Then water the plant regularly as usual and replace the matches after a few days, checking occasionally for signs of mold.

You should use this method for a few months to ensure that the annoying insects do not return.

Distribute with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of fungus gnats and their larvae.

Simply mix one part 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with four parts water and water houseplants with the solution every few days.

Fight fungus gnats effectively with diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural mineral that can kill fungus gnats and their larvae. You should only cover the soil surface with a 1 cm thick layer. The insects can no longer feed and lay their eggs in the substrate. In addition, the natural control agent absorbs excess moisture and prevents fungal growth.

When handling diatomaceous earth, you should always wear gloves and not inhale it.

A 3 mm thick layer of quartz sand or gravel can also be useful to prevent eggs from laying.

Also interesting:How can you avoid mold on potting soil? Buying and care tips

Roundworms against fungus gnats

Another natural method that is effective for both fungus gnats and their larvae areNematodes such as roundwormsthat feed on insects. You can buy these at garden centers or online. Then you should add the parasites to the irrigation water and water the plant with them. The infestation should be resolved within a few weeks.