Whether they belong to you or someone else, cats can be a nuisance in your yard. Not only can they dig up plants and eat your favorite flowers, they can even get into your herb garden and leave droppings that contain parasites that can be quite dangerous to humans. So, how to keep cats away from the flower bed? Here are some friendly and easy steps you can take!
Here are some friendly ways to keep cats away from flower beds by making them less comfortable!
Add cones & eggshells to the mulch
Mulch is the material you place on flower beds to improve moisture and support soil health. It can improve moisture levels and allows you to control soil conditions. It can also keep cats away from the flower bed if it contains sharp particles. They have soft paws and therefore prefer to walk on soft earth and grass as it does not cause them any pain. You shouldn't add anything to the mulch that will actually harm your pet, but consider pine cones, rocks and even eggshells.
Keep cats away from the flowerbed – Use small wooden posts
You can stick small pieces of wood into the ground a few centimeters apart, with the top centimeter visible. These serve a similar purpose to harsh mulch in that they make it uncomfortable and inconvenient for your cat to walk on the beds. You may need to experiment a bit to find the right distance, but the goal is to make it difficult or impossible for a cat to turn around comfortably.
Avoid cat visits through smells
Add lavender: There are numerousSmells that cats don't like. Lavender is one of them. Plant lavender in a slightly exposed location. This ensures that it is blown away by the wind. When this happens, the scent of lavender wafts throughout the garden.
- Tipp: Other plants that cats don't like include lemon, thyme, geraniums and rue.
Use citrus peels: Citrus peels are very strong and most cats don't like the sour smell of them. Place orange and lemon peels around the borders of your garden to deter them. You don't need to do anything special, just throw the rings into the ground.
Throw coffee grounds: Cats don't like the smell of coffee. If you have your own coffee maker or coffee grinder, save the coffee grounds. Alternatively, you can ask at a local coffee shop if you can have a bag of leftover coffee grounds. Here, too, you don't need to do anything other than spread the coffee grounds on the floor.
Cat repellent can be useful to you
You can purchase cat repellents. These can contain ingredients like lavender and citrus fruits, but also hormones that smell like predator urine and deter all but the bravest cats from visiting a garden.
- Notice: Make sure the spray is non-toxic and will not harm your cat or your plants.
Remove cat smell with garden hose
If the neighborhood cats use your yard as a meeting place or toilet, you can eliminate the odorous traces of their visits. Get out the garden hose and wash the areas where they hang out. If you eliminate the smell, they will lose their right to a favorite spot and, with a bit of luck, will look for another spot.
Keep cats away from the flowerbed with sprinklers & noises
How to Keep Cats Away from Flower Beds - They don't like being sprayed with water, and we're not suggesting you run a stream of water over them, but you can set motion-activated sprinklers to go off when something comes into your flower beds approaches.
noises: Cats who come to visit can also be distracted by loud or sudden noises. Use motion-activated devices that play a sound. These shouldKeep cats awayto come by again.
Summary – How to keep cats away from the flower bed? The steps above can help you prevent cats from becoming a nuisance in your life, but remember that these animals are independent and unique. One cat may hate the smell of lavender while another may like it. Experiment to find the method that works best in your situation and garden.
More harmless tips against cats visiting the gardenyou can find here!