Designing a winter garden – which plants go in?

Would you like to create a cozy winter garden and be able to admire the outdoor area even in the rain and cold? Then you are definitely facing a big challenge. It's not just the exotic rattan furniture, the classic wooden furniture or the romantic iron tables and chairs that make up the charm of this personal oasis. The flowers and plants that find a winter home in the winter garden during the cold season make the room much friendlier. In today's article we will explain to you exactly which plants go into the winter garden and what you should consider when designing them.

Design a winter garden – which plants are included?

What plants do you use to grow yours?design winter garden,depends on several factors. First and foremost, it is important whether the room is heated or not. The incidence of light and the orientation of the room are also very important. In the cold, only sporadically heatedWinter gardenOlive and agave are best suited for this. Plants from New Zealand, the Mediterranean and Australia, such as the African lily, the hemp palm, the rosemary, the laurel, the club lily and palm lily as well as the sacred bamboo thrive around the freezing point. The temperate oneWinter garden, which faces east, west or south and offers a temperature between 5 and 15 degrees, is equipped with South American and African plants. These would be, for example, the orange and passion flowers, the Peruvian pepper tree, Canary Islands and callistemon, as well as the lemon. At constant temperatures above 18 degrees, hibiscus, ornamental ginger, coffee bush, papyrus, tree fern and mango will feel comfortable.

Design and decorate the winter garden

How you do thatDesign a winter gardenand decorate also depends on what purposes you will use the winter garden for. Would you like a relaxation room where you can relax with a cup of tea and a book on the weekend? Or maybe a yoga room where you start the day? Or perhaps it is a covered extension to the patio where the patio plants are stored in the winter? Then design the room accordingly. Avoid too much furniture and too much decoration. Arrange the potted plants so they get as much sunlight as you need. Some plants can cope with little sunlight in the winter months, others are true sun worshipers. In the photo series we give several examples of successful design with plants.

Plants for the cold winter garden

In an unheated winter garden the temperature can vary between -5° and + 10°. Nevertheless, certain Mediterranean plants can thrive in these fluctuations. The cypresses, the olive tree, but also the dwarf pomegranate or the hemp palm feel comfortable in cold rooms. Herbs from the Mediterranean region can also be grown there.

Plants for the temperate winter garden

Plants such as bird of paradise, eucalyptus and various crops such as tomatoes feel at home in the temperate winter garden. An important prerequisite for this is not only the temperature, but also sunlight.

Plants in the heated winter garden

If the winter garden is heated, it offers the perfect conditions for plants that have no rest and grow all year round. The different types of guava, papaya and papyrus feel particularly at home there.

Heated winter garden with ferns and palm trees

Terracotta tiles, warm winter garden

Potted trees in the winter garden

Houseplants in the winter garden get more sunlight

Palm trees and other exotic plants can survive the winternot spend outside

Set up a winter garden: rattan furniture

Design a winter garden: climbing plants, boxwoods and rattan furniture

Wrought iron furniture for a vintage look

Certain patio plants can also be overwintered in the cold winter garden

In the temperate winter garden, the temperature is constant and does not fall below 0 degrees Celsius

You can also prefer plants in the winter garden

Exotic plants such as orchids and dragon trees feel at home in the heated winter garden

When designing, you should also think about sun protection. Otherwise the plants could overheat.

Temperatures can vary greatly in the winter garden.

The winter garden can also serve as a greenhouse

Of course, a comfortable seating area should not be missing

In summer it can get very hot in the winter garden. Sliding doors and many skylights allow for good ventilation.

A seamless transition between the winter garden and the terrace

To avoid mold formation, you should ventilate the room well, even in winter

Design a winter garden: vintage furnishings

The beautiful view of the garden is an absolute must

The winter garden as an extension of the living area

The winter garden as a place of retreat