Repotting houseplants – simple guide and practical tips for healthy growth

The daylight of spring and summer is like rocket fuel for plants. Therefore, you can repot your houseplants at this time. They usually grow in two different ways. The first involves the leaves and flowers of older plants. In the second, the roots grow underground and are largely invisible. So late winter or spring are suitable seasons if you want to repot your houseplants. Depending on your transplanting requirements, you have several options.

Repotting houseplants – facts worth knowing

The roots usually support thisoverall green growthabove the ground. Sometimes you may need to move your plant to a larger pot for this reason. The old pot will be cramped, while the new one offers more space for these roots. So, healthy roots help create a healthy plant. Use our instructions when repotting your plants to create a pleasant atmosphere in your home.

So plants should be moved to larger containers as they grow. If there is no more space for the roots of the plant, they can be tied to the pot. This means the plant's roots become cramped, forming a tightly packed mass that stunts growth. The most obvious sign of this is when you can already see roots on the surface of the soil. In this case, they emerge from the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

If the plant appears to have stopped growing or has slowed down, it is probably pot bound. If it is a small plant, it is best to turn the pot on its side and remove the plant from the container. Above all, look at the roots. Are they rolled up in the bottom of the pot? If so, it's definitely time to repot. Offshoots produced by plants can overcrowd the pot and therefore must be separated and propagated in their own containers.

When is the perfect time?

If your plant has just come home from the garden center, allow it to adjust to its new environment for a few weeks before repotting. The plants are usually in shock until they acclimate to the new light, temperature and humidity conditions. If you want to hide a simple plastic container, you can simply place it in a planter.

Younger plants that are actively growing should be moved to larger pots once a year using fresh soil. Repotting large houseplants such as the rubber tree or slow-growing plants can be done every two years. You will notice this if they seem to outgrow their pots or appear top-heavy.

If a plant is thriving, you can assume it is happy in its pot. When repotting green plants, it's a good idea to do so at the beginning of a period of active growth. Transplanting winter-flowering houseplants should be done in early fall after dormancy.

Step by step instructions

To remove the plant from its original container, it is best to turn it on its side and carefully remove it from the pot. If it doesn't budge, you may need to tap the bottom of the pot on a hard surface to loosen the old soil. Otherwise, you can also use a trowel or knife, but be careful not to damage the root ball.

First, it's best to try to carefully loosen the root ball. You can shake off excess potting soil to avoid damaging the delicate roots. Remove brown, black, or visibly damaged roots with sharp scissors. For heavily root-bound plants or if you plan to repot into a larger planter without repotting, cut off up to ⅔ of the root mass, starting with the bottom and sides of the plant.

For a new container, it's best to choose a clean new pot that is no more than 2 centimeters larger in diameter than your houseplant's old home. Too much space slows down normal and healthy growth and can also lead to root rot.

If you are potting in a container without drainage, we recommend adding a 1cm thick layer of activated charcoal to the bottom of the pot. Some gardeners recommend a layer of pebbles at the base of a pot to improve drainage. However, it is unclear whether this helps. As long as the pot is drained, we exclude pebbles. Next, place a layer of fresh potting soil at the bottom of the pot so that the base of the plant is about 1.5 centimeters below the edge of the pot.

What should you do afterwards?

After placing your plant in the new pot, fill it with soil until all the roots are covered and there is enough air. Firm the soil gently to ensure there are no air pockets. However, be careful not to crush delicate roots. First, you can lightly water the potting mix to keep the new soil moist, but don't completely submerge it in water.

As already mentioned above, plants tend to go into a shock phase after being transplanted again. However, don't worry about it as this is completely normal. The plants may appear wilted and thirsty. However, be sure not to water until about a week after repotting.

This will ensure that the roots damaged when repotting have healed. During the recovery period, move the plants to a cooler, shady location. Most potting soils contain fertilizer. To avoid over-fertilizing and damaging your plant, you can stop fertilizing for about 6 weeks after repotting.