Fun for dogs in the garden – tips for dog-friendly garden design

It's no secret thatDogs in the gardenfeel like in paradise. The joy of playing, digging and digging is innate in four-legged friends. Every dog ​​lover wants to guarantee their favorite animal fun in their own garden. However, our pets have very different demands on the garden than we do. They don't care at all about the well-maintained grounds, lawns and flower beds. A practically designed garden would be the best decision for you and your dog. With a few easy ideas, the green space outside can be transformed into a dog paradise.

Dogs in the garden – ideas for garden highlights that bring joy

ADog in the gardenmeans running outside all day, swimming in the pond, digging, digging. On flowingWater in the gardenHowever, you cannot do without it. Most dog breeds are strongly attracted to a body of water, such as a small pond. The garden pond should be deep enough for your dog to fit in and the four-legged friend should be able to go out again without any problems.

Friendly but safe atmosphere for dogs in the garden

Dogs love hiding places. But the dog owner should set clear boundaries of the garden, be it through ponds, plants, hedges, vegetable gardens or fences. Metal fences or wooden fences with closely spaced bars are considered dog-safe.

Tips for dogs in the garden

The four-legged friend wants to both roam happily and laze around in the garden. Reserve a special spot for him in the garden. Think about protection from rain and shade. Shady places are particularly importanton summer daysimportant. For garden paths, it is better to choose materials that do not heat up significantly in the sun - e.g. stone slabs, concrete tiles, pebbles, etc

There is a potential health hazard

When planting your garden, it should be borne in mind that some perennials, plants and flowers such as chrysanthemums, azaleas and lilies can pose surprising dangers if your dog eats them. For further information, ask your veterinarian.

Garden games for dogs

Don't forget the drinking water source

Secure space for the four-legged friends

Flowers in the dog garden

Gravel path in the garden

Protect small dogs in the garden

Guarantee dog fun in the garden - digging corner

The scope for your dog – the bigger, the better

Dog accessories – a hole in the fence when the dog wants to explore life outside the property

Ideas for dog lovers andFour-legged friends

Ideas for dog-friendly garden design

Front yard would be a great highlight for your pup