The garden in spring - How to create a colorful flower bed

Do you like flowers? Then, like many other flower lovers, you probably want to have a beautiful corner with your favorite flowers and enjoy them for a whole season. Wouldn't that be great? In nature there are a variety of perennial flower species that bloom in the same place for a long time. The key to a well-maintained garden in spring is constant care. It is clear to everyone that if you want a long and lush flowering period, it is also necessary to care for your own garden with a lot of attention. Regular fertilization, watering, pruning of flowers or strengthening of the plant are required.

If you have a sunny garden in spring, you can plant interesting and relatively undemanding flowers there that create wonderful combinations. We recommend pairing the golden yellow rudbeckias, elegant lilies and sun eyes (heliopsis) together. In a modest floral composition you can also include the blue-violet tones of Ehinops, Phlox and Phlomis flowers. In both cases you will achieve a spectacular look.

As an additional addition, you can add golden grasses. You can complement decorative grass (Ornamental Millet) or miscanthus (Miscanthus), which will delight you with wonderful shapes for many years. If your garden is sunny in the morning and evening, then you can combine fragrant geraniums with filipendula (Rubra magnifica) or the decorative collards blooming in late summer will be a great addition to this composition.

Good plant growth depends on the choice of location and soil cultivation. Clean the soil from all possible weeds. Immediately before planting, add fertilizers to improve soil quality. Exceptions are the flowers with silver-gray color of the leaves; they grow best in weak soil.

Spectacular floral compositions that never let go of your eyes

For a spectacular floral composition, it is best to choose plants of different heights. Low-growing plant species are usually grown in the foreground and those that grow taller in the background. Every plant wants to have as much space available as it needs when growing. The flowering time of your plants should also be taken into account when selecting them. So, from spring to autumn you will witness a real play of colors.

What types of flowers could you plant to achieve a quirky look there?

We can recommend the following that will make your outdoor area more colorful and effective.

Rudcymbal for a happy mood

The Rudbeckias shine even on dark days and give you a good mood even in the early morning. They bloom continuously from August to September. The Rudbeckias grow to a height of around 80 cm.

Coneflowers and Filipendula

If you have a sunny area in your garden and the soil there is moist, you can create a wonderful floral composition from Echinacea and Filipendula flowers.

Iris – exquisite flowers for your outdoor space

The exquisite shape and color of the iris make your garden appear even more attractive and picturesque. This flower is planted in a sunny and moist place where it thrives really well.

We'll find the final ideas in today's post? Hopefully you will be able to use some of it in your garden too. We will be happy about it.

Country style flower bed

Combine tall flowers, perennials and grasses