If you want to create a garden path cheaply and quickly, you can be inspired by our ideas, which can be implemented in a weekend. Thanks to theinformal design and natural materialsThese walkways fit perfectly into the surroundings and look as if they have always been in your garden.
Ideas for natural garden paths made from inexpensive materials
This walkway looks natural and winds through the garden like a small river. Mulch, grit and gravel are the best materials if you want to create a garden path cheaply and quickly. All you have to do is remove the grass, line the path with weed control and spread the mulch or gravel on top. The sidewalk design can vary from casual to formal depending on the design and edge material. You can also choose from a variety of loose materials, including wood chips, decorative mulch, polished stones, or crushed gravel.
Create a garden path with mulch/wood chips
The three common types of mulch that are suitable for garden paths are wood chips, cocoa shells and bark mulch (cypress bark is best). To turn wood into chips, you can use a wood shredder. Because these materials are lighter in weight than stone, they are easier to transport and distribute. Mulch is also slightly cheaper than gravel or grit. However, remember that you will need to replace the filler with new material every two to five years. Also keep in mind that this will start to break down after a year. Also, do not use bark, wood chips, or mulch on paths that pass through areas with poor drainage or that are wet. The result would be a muddy path.