Planting privet in autumn: Grow the evergreen shrub in the garden or in pots and care for it properly!

Privet shrubs tolerate a wide range of conditions and are among the easiest shrubs and small trees to grow. Because of their versatility and undemanding nature, they are often used in the home landscape. Plant them as hedges, foundation plants, balcony trees or in shrub borders. Here you will find out how you can plant privet and what kind of care it needs.

Species suitable for cultivation

Privet seeds are spread by birds that eat the berries. As a result, it has spread into the wild and is displacing native plants. The following species are suitable for the home landscape:

  • Japanese privet (L. japonicum) grows up to 3 m high and 1.5 to 2 m wide. It is often used as a hedge or privacy plant and can be formed into a small tree.
  • The Californian privet (L. ovalifolium) is a shrub up to 4.5 m high that forms a beautiful hedge when planted closely. It requires frequent shearing and produces numerous seedlings that must be removed before they become established.
  • The golden privet (L. vicaryi) grows to at least 2 m high and has golden yellow leaves. It produces best color when planted in full sun and in a location where it does not require frequent pruning.
  • Shiny privet (L. lucidum) is an evergreen tree that grows to 13.5 m or taller, but can also be planted as a large shrub with frequent pruning. It produces large, showy flower clusters and a huge crop of purple-blue berries.
  • Step 1: First, dig a planting hole that is at least two to three times as wide and no deeper than your plant's root ball. The wider the hole, the better. Spread the native soil removed from the planting hole around the hole.
  • Step 2: Depending on the type, fertility and porosity of the soil in the planting area, you may need to add a soil additive to the topsoil removed from the planting hole. At thePlanting privetIn dense clay or poor soil quality, it is beneficial to mix good organic material such as composted cow manure, mushroom compost, sand and/or a good planting mix in a 50:50 ratio with the soil removed from the planting hole. When planting in very sandy or fast-draining soils, mixing in some topsoil, peat moss and/or compost can be helpful for moisture retention. If you are planting privet in fertile, loamy, well-drained and moist soil, adding a soil conditioner is not necessary.
  • Step 3: To remove your plant from the container it was grown in, firmly grasp the plant at the base and gently attempt to lift and remove it from the container. If the root ball is stuck in the container, either cut the container or lay the plant on its side and gently tap the edge of the container to loosen the root ball. After removing the plant from the container, loosen some of the roots on the surface of the root ball. If the roots are stuck, you can spray the sides and bottom of the root ball with a stream of water from a garden hose. This usually washes away some of the soil from the outside of the root ball, making it easier to loosen the roots.
  • Step 4: If planting in well-drained soil,plant the bushinto the planting hole so that the top edge of the root ball is at or slightly above soil level (about 3 cm). If your soil is moderately draining, meaning it drains slowly after rain, the top of the root ball should be 2 to 3 inches above the ground. If necessary, fill the bottom of the hole with potting mix to achieve the correct planting height.

Grow the plant in containers

Privets in pots need the same care as in the ground. Use well-drained soil in the pot. Privet is adapted to a variety of soils, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Place the container in full to partial sun. Variegated species display their best colorin full sun. Don't let the roots in the pots dry out, so water whenever the top of the soil begins to dry out.

How should you fertilize privet? Fertilize the plants in the spring before new growth begins with an all-purpose shrub fertilizer. Prune plants to control their shape and size. Don't let the plants outgrow their containers. Dwarf privet varieties do not need to be cut back as much as full-grown varieties.

Care for the evergreen shrub

Privets are drought tolerant, but grow best if you water them during extended periods of drought. Fertilize in early spring and again in late summer or fall. You can also fertilize in summer when the plants are growing quickly or seem to need further feeding. Privets begin forming buds for next year's flowers shortly after the current season's flowers have faded.

To avoid cutting off the young buds, you should cut the plants back immediately after flowering. Prune to control height and prevent the plant from growing beyond its limits. Privets tolerate severe pruning. Ligustrums are very fast growing shrubs. Japanese privet can grow up to 25 inches per year, but other varieties also grow quickly. This rapid growth rate means that the shrubs are commonneed to be circumcisedto keep them under control.

What kind of soil does the plant need?

Privets are not very picky about soil conditions, but they prefer well-drained soil with medium fertility. As with so many other types of ornamental plants, constantly soggy or wet soil can lead to root rot and other harmful plant diseases. So make sure to plant them in a well-drained location!

If you are unsure whether the soil where you plan to plant privet is well drained, you should take the time to test the drainage before planting. To test the soil's drainage, dig a hole 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep at the planting site. Fill the hole with water and allow it to drain. Once drained, fill the hole with water again, but this time pay attention to how long it takes to drain.

In a well-drained soil, the water level drops at a rate of about 3 cm per hour. A faster rate, such as B. loose, sandy soil can be an indication of potentially dry site conditions. A slower rate indicates poorly draining soil and is an indication that you should improve drainage, create a raised mound or bed, or look for plants that tolerate wet or boggy conditions better.

Required soil pH

Privets grow best in moderately acidic to slightly alkaline soil that falls between 6.0 and 8.0 on the pH scale. Most average garden soils are in a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. How to test soil pH:

Soil pH is a measure of the alkalinity or acidity of the soil and is measured on a scale of 1 to 14, with 7 being the neutral value. A value below 7 indicates acidic soil, a value above 7 indicates alkaline soil. If you are unsure about the pH of your soil and whether you can plant privet in your garden, you should test the pH of the soil in the planting area. You can test it quickly with an inexpensive pH tester.

To raise the pH (make it more alkaline), you can add pelleted limestone to the soil. To lower the pH (make it more acidic), you can use soil sulfur, aluminum sulfate, or chelated iron. The addition oforganic compostinto the soil or using compost as mulch can also help increase acidity and maintain acidic soil conditions.

What lighting needs should be taken into account?

You can plant privet in full sunor in partial shade. At least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight is recommended for optimal leaf density and flowering.